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Comment Most People Need Handholding (Score 0) 980

Although most Slashdotters do not. Most "normal" users out there do however require as much handholding as they can get and it's a major selling point for commercial OS manufacturers. (They call it "user friendliness") I also switched the interface to "classic" (or whatever it's called) on my windows 7 installation which I hardly ever boot anyway.

Comment Re:This should be illegal (Score 0) 171

The correct way to protest is to make a 'no vote'. This is where you tick all the boxes, or none of them, or you write a message voicing your dissatisfaction on the ballot, or smear faeces or stick chewing gum on the ballot, or you vote for a joke candidate.
Unfortunately this is at best not a very effective and at worst counter-productive in the US given our winner-takes-all voting system which results in a zero-sum-game. We saw this happen in the 2004 where any vote for Ralph Nader was effectively a vote for George W. Bush. Kerry probably would have won the election had Nader not been on the ballet.

Comment Re:Money... (Score 0) 1880

Yes the source is available and you can fix it yourself... But how many people have the time to do so.

You also have to ask how many people have the skills to do so. When I first started using Linux about 10 years ago back when I had no programming knowledge whatsoever every little problem I had was met with derision and the unhelpful response "RTFM" or "fix it yourself". Usually the manual was cryptic broken English and anything but helpful especially for newbies. Luckily things have improved drastically but these types of experiences are what gives Linux a negative image. And let's also not forget its proponents

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