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Comment What to do, oh what to do... (Score 4, Funny) 377

A list of better things you could do with $7b:

1. Fill a swimming pool with $100 bills and go nuts.

2. Buy several sky scrappers and blow em up, just for shits and giggles.

3. Buy Kaspersky.

4. Nothing. Absoluetly nothing. Ever again.

Any other suggestions?


Girl Quits On Dry Erase Board a Hoax 147

suraj.sun writes "It's the same old story: young woman quits, uses dry erase board and series of pictures to let entire office know the boss is a sexist pig, exposes his love of playing FarmVille during work hours." Story seem too good to be true? It probably is, at least according to writer Peter Kafka. Even so, Jay Leno and Good Morning America have already reached out to "Jenny."

Man Wants to Donate His Heart Before He Dies 456

Gary Phebus wants to donate his heart, lungs, and liver. The problem is he wants to donate them before he dies. Gary was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease, in 2008. Phebus says he'd like to be able to donate his organs before they deteriorate, and doesn't consider his request suicide because he's "dead anyway."

Comment Re:There is not, and cannot be... (Score 0) 228

To go higher than that you need to distill the product or fortify it... As such it is, most definitely, *not* beer anymore.

The exception to you reasoning is, of course, Eisbocks. These are "high gravity" beers, with original specific gravity above 1.10. After fermentation completes, the alcohol content is usually between 9 and 12%. However, in order to further up the alcohol content, the beer is partially frozen and some of the water is removed.

Remember that water freezes at exactly 0C, while alcohol and sugar saturated solutions don't freeze until well below that. By partially freezing the substance and then agitating it so that the crystallized water floats to the surface where it can be removed, you can remove only 100% pure water, leaving the favoroids and alcohol behind. For an eisbock, this results in a substance that is usually 1 to 3% ABV higher than the fermented-only substance.

This is the technique that Brew Dog is using.

The question remains though, is this "beer"? German brewers have been making Eisbocks for a long while; they are DEFINATELY "Beer". But this is a whole new calibre. I understand why they call this "beer", but it just seems akin to calling the sun a "space heater".

Comment Re:Technical schools? (Score 0) 1138

So something magically happens to them when they turn 17/18? I know a few kids in high school that can actually make decisions and take care of them self. I know other kids in college that cannot.

The only was to actually educate people is to treat them like adults. Increasingly, colleges treat students like they are "too stupid to be in charge of what they'll do in their life". If high schools would go back to treating students like they ARE adults, maybe they could possibly become adults by the time they are 18.

/rant off


Life-size Eva Unit 01 Being Built In Japan 80

JoshuaInNippon writes "Japan has gone life-size anime model crazy. Last year there was the robotic 1:1 Gundam model that guarded Tokyo for a few months in the summer to mark the series' 30th anniversary, and then there was the giant Gigantor moment that opened in Kobe in the fall in honor of the city's rejuvenation from the devastating 1995 earthquake. Now, an amusement park near Mt. Fuji named Fuji-Q Highland is building an Eva Unit 01 from the popular Neon Genesis Evangelion series, or at least a bust of it, in conjunction with the series' recent movies. The bust will sit in a replica hanger, and reportedly stand around 9 meters tall. Visitors will have the chance, for a little extra money, to have their photo taken in the unit's cockpit, where the series' protagonist-of-sorts Shinji Ikari normally sits. The attraction is set to a cost of over US$1.6 million to build, and open on July 23 of this year. It will also undoubtedly be swamped by crazed fans looking the opportunity to bring their anime dreams to life."

4G iPhone Misplacer Invited To Germany For Beer 164

eldavojohn writes "You may recall the hapless engineer who left a fairly sensitive iPhone at a bar recently. Well, in a PR stunt, Lufthansa has invited him to visit Germany on their dime after citing his latest Facebook status, 'I underestimated how good German beer is' as well as his obvious passion for German beer and culture. It's not clear if Gray Powell has decided to 'pick up where he last left off' (as the letter puts it). I know what my decision would be."

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