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Comment Who protects a Blackberry? (Score 5, Interesting) 301

I have and carry both a Blackberry for work, and an iPhone because I wanted something that wasn't under the control of IT overlords. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who carries a Blackberry in the default plastic holster and drops it onto the floor at least once every few weeks... and it's got nothing to protect it from that dive. My iPhone, however, being my personal property, does get better care. It's usually in a case in a pocket, and only small portions of its surface are directly exposed... I'm not surprised that iPhones fail less. People take far better care of them.

Submission + - Watching Drug Resistance Develop in Real Time

nursegirl writes: As the spread of multi-drug resistant bacteria like MRSA and the new XDR-TB (extremely drug resistant tuberculosis) becomes a growing concern throughout the world, a team of scientists has been able to learn how bacteria evolves in vivo as a response to vancomycin and other antibiotics.

The team isolated S. aureus bacteria intermittently through a patient's antibiotic therapy and sequenced the genome of the bacterium multiple times. The results demonstrated 35 mutations in 31 locations as the bacteria evolved from vancomycin-susceptible to vancomycin-resistant.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ever wonder if you're the first to notice something? 1

I was reading through the SEC Form S-1 filed by Google to state their intention to sell shares to the public.

I saw that the Proposed Maximum Aggregate Offering Price is $2,718,281,828.

The number stuck in my craw a bit. Then I realized why.

It's a billion dollars times the mathematical constant e .

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