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Comment Re:Old news...? (Score 1) 279

I never said i want noone to be able to object to what i say. infact i have said the exact opposite in the most blatant terms i can think of. Silly strawman, you keep either quote mining, or just outright ignoring whole sections of my arguments. It isnt correcting racism(which i said in my comment) it is institutionalizing it. I never said i was oppressed. That word has lost its meaning since the likes of you have used it. I can be a victim of racism and still succeed. Not all racism is debilitating. You completely ignored my example of when Aff action is blatantly racist, as determined by a court of law. You havent been oppressed either btw.
  A poor white man has far more opportunities than most minorities, and that is born out by economic data. - show me where this data is, i have never heard of one experiment done in recent history that concluded this yet several that said the other way.

i post under my name and couldnt care less if someone agrees with me so the Anon below isnt me, nice try tho.

if me saying we should be judged on our abilities and merits rather than color of our skin makes me a racist, u really need to look at your reasoning.

U seem to believe its only racist when whites do it and when blacks do it evening the score. 2 wrongs dont make a right and the people being wronged now, and the ones who are benefiting arent even the ones involved in the original wronging. There are huge groups of black people who i know who laugh at the thought of me being racist so u arent shaking my confidence there. shame you think throwing race out is a bad idea.
your as bad as a fundamentalist creationist when it comes to saying i said things i came nowhere near saying.
fact is u want handouts and thats it.

HERE YOU GO. I FEEL ANYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT. I love how u say white people arent culturally able to say something but black people are. U have no clue how i live, the people i see, what i do, essential you dont know a thing about my culture. To say all white people are culturally equivalent is a racist generalization, If a black man is raised by a white family in the burbs, is it ok for him to say it? Yes, then culture aint got nothing to do with it. No, then your comments where incorrect statements based on race, making them racist comments. is it really that hard to grasp, if u use race to decide, its racist, regardless of the issue or event.

Comment Re:Old news...? (Score 1) 279

but what constitutes being a dick is different based on the color of your skin.Aff action is racism. its effects arent all bad, and it was once needed but it is what it is. jennifer gratz case. it was proven there that affirmative action led to a more qualified white girl losing her slot at college solely because she was white. The racial biases are getting fewer and fewer however there is a rise of economical bias. I think alot of those get interpreted as racial due to a there being more african americans in the lower end. The reason for this is due to the racism of the past but isnt enforced by racism of the current day. It is Rich families desire to keep the money in the family. So they exploit the poorer equally without bias, In other words, without aff action, a poor white man would have equal difficulty moving upward in economic status as a black man of the same standing. Stop focusing at racism and see the real problem. Then fix it. After that the numbers would become much more even.

Comment Re:Old news...? (Score 1) 279

ahh my poor ignorant friend. White people have suffured racism just like everyone else. My personal make up is roughly 1/8th native american, 1/8th irish, 1/4 german and the rest is pretty mixed up. So native american, yep very many racist actions against them. Irish(they are white btw): O this is a good one. Did u know when the irish came to america fleeing the patato famine, they were not permited to work or eat in the vast majority of establishments. If fact there are many stories of people taking their food outside so they could eat infront of a starving Irishman.

white people don't have the cultural background to use it as anything but an insult = racist comment. DUH. It is a comment making a generalization based on nothing other than race. What do u think racism means.
You said essentially the word offensiveness is based on context. This is funny. Context has nothing to do with it, i could say "the word nigger is a horrid word, and shouldnt be use" and the mass majority of american society go, "ewwww he said a bad word." but dr. dre says "[Snoop] Bitch niggaz (bitch niggaz)..
Bitch niggaz (bitch niggaz)..
Bitch-ass niggaz (beotch)..
[both] BITCH NIGGAZ (bitch niggaz)..
[Snoop] Yeah I'm talkin about you (beotch)..
[Dre] Bitch niggaz
[Snoop] and you too (beotch).."and noone bats a eyelash.
  "White people do not suffer from ANY reverse racism. There is no such thing. White people are the dominant culture in America." Correct and incorrect: You can definately say white people are the dominate culture, but that is why there is reverse racism. Reverse racism exists, thats not something up for debate. Its show able and provable. recent studies actually show that a poor white man is the least likely to get a job if every race and creed with equal experience applies. This is due to the fact that most companies have a required number of black, female, arab, and other races they must employ. There is one group left out of EVERY affirmative action law: White males.

Affirmative action is reverse racism(good or bad for society i am not arguing, but it is racist because it is based on race exclusively) it isnt you have to higher so many black males if they are better qualified than your other applicants. Ifa white man has 6 master degrees 5 years experience and he could lose out on a job to a man who has never held a steady job and has an associates degree, because the company isnt at its Aff Action numbers for black employees. How is that not racist?

But if we used the same language with a stranger, it would be insulting. Is that a double standard? Is that unequal? No.........umm yes it is, is it a wrong double standard? maybe maybe not, but it most definitely is 2 separate standards of behavior, one for friends one for strangers. Do u not read your comments beforehand to check for basic logic fallacies. here is the difference, (both of these men are strangers using the same tone in identical situations) if a black man says, "fuck you nigger" u focus on the fuck you, i truely doubt anyone even makes a comment about the nigger word being used, replace that with a white man and the final word makes all the difference and is the focus of the comment, not the fuck you part. It has nothing to do with context. Comedians, Chris Rock did several jokes involving the word and was praised as comedic genious(dave chappelle is another who definitely used it in a negative light) but if they were white and made the same joke, it would have destroyed their careers.

i leave you with one of the best quotes i have heard when refering to racism. plz watch the vid and think about what he says.

Comment Re:Old news...? (Score 1) 279

Wow u missed the point completely. let me see. first, u butchered the example. It wasnt about people speaking up, but about the fact that for a black person to say the word, it isnt racist, but for a white person, it is, regardless of context. That is a social situation dictated solely on color of ones skin, also known as racism. Secondly, u seem to think i do this, or i was relating something that happened to me. i dont, and i wasnt. See thats why its called an example. It doesnt have to apply to a real life scenario that i went through, but is based off observation and used to (i thought) help you grasp the point i was attempting to make.
  the parent i responded to was attacking his parent on something the comment didnt say. I am not a racist, and dont use "nigger" in daily speech out of respect, but that doesnt stop me from seeing a blatant duel standard when it comes to the word. Black = social acceptable to use it. White = not social acceptable to use it. That is racism. im not saying anyone has to change it, but i am saying that you shouldnt be ignorant of the fact that its there, and if u perpuate it, u are a hypocrit of the worst kind. Regardless i wont be using it regularly. i want people to attack my speech and reasoning. Its the basis of free speech, which is one of the few things i feel very strongly about. But if u are going to attack me, atleast have a clue as to what my comment says. infact i even said what u said in my comment.

"No one ever said u couldn't voice that the comment is offensive to you." - one of the many lines u must have skipped in my comment.

TL:DR i dont use the word in everyday speech and am not racist, but if you use the word continually or have no issue with a black person saying it, but a white person says it and you get riled up, you are a racist, no way around it. If its ok for some, it should be for all. thats equality, not what exists in our current society.

yea it burns, but the good kinda burn. Like a hot tub on a frigid night burn.....hmmmmm......hottub.

Comment Re:Sounds like (Score 1) 1229

I admit dont pay too much attention to GM foods controversy. This comment slightly confuses me. The roundup rdy controversy was about GM planting to be resistant to pesticides and herbicides, making it possible to drench the fields in the stuff. This is bad for the environment, and i agree with people against this case. If i am incorrect about this in something let me know. The case in the article seems to be vastly different imo. from the article: "Ten years of engineering and heaps of money went into developing the so-called ‘DURPH-potato’ which is designed to be resistant to Phytophtora, a potato disease " so this wasnt doing anything to further hurt the environment.No boost in pesticide resistance. It sounds like a good thing to me. I guess my questions are: Are you against all GMing food period or just doing it for things to make the environment worse? If against all, why? using a single example(or alot of examples) of something being used for a bad purpose, doesnt make the thing being used evil, just shows some people are. Why stop something that can solve a major world issue?
if the later, why go against one of the research projects that seems it might actually help? why not raid one of the pesticide resistant research projects?

If you want to do research, feel free to do it IN THE LABS, but absolutely NOT IN THE WILD.

I personally feel it is better environmentally to do this in the wild, rather than destroying a larger section of nature to build a complex to house the lab. did this experiment hurt the "wild" in a way that justifies its destruction? Or was this a case of people seeing GM, and just running in on a misguided notion of principle?

Comment Re:Old news...? (Score 1) 279

Go cry somewhere else, bully, we don't care because we don't have to. That's what you hate the most, isn't it? That's what we've taken away from you. That was the power you had, but have no longer, and that is why you cry victim. You are pathetic. And we don't have to care.

My first point. By making that long comment, u betray your own words. If u didn't care u, wouldn't have been so fired up. Like your definition of racism, and your reading comprehension, your idea of not caring is incomplete. i find people screaming "I dont care" at the top of their lungs to be humorous.

i didnt see that in his comment. He said telling someone they cant say something because of color of their skin, which is the very definition of racism, is just as bad as telling a outright racist joke. example: Take the word "nigger". Lets get a random collection of races and creeds. I(white person) make a joke with nigger implying black people are lazy. Every gets up in arms because i am racist and i said a racist joke. If a black guy makes the exact, word for word, joke it would be ok. no one seemed to care and a lot found it quite funny. this is actually something me and some of my friends have played around with(being from Alabama ignorance is rampant here). The reactions are almost universally the same. The only difference is color of our skin. how is this not racist? now racism according to webster: racial prejudice or discrimination. HMMMM.....interesting.

No one ever said u couldn't voice that the comment is offensive to you. He said u should be able to tell him that he cant say it because he is of a certain color. Quit using racism to hide behind while being one of the worst kinds of bigots. At-least the KKK admits to their racism instead of hiding behind words like Progressive. The people who scream about this, the vast majority of times, are not looking for equality. They want to be on top. So they are for racism just not against their race.

anyways this is way offtopic. Back to what matters: Apple blows. Trendy doesnt make better, and usually streamlined means easier to use with less functionality. Yet the apple cult still thinks because they paid 5 times more for their product, it is better. I refer you to the humancetipad episode of southpark:)

Comment Re:Apple Stores (Score 1) 636

Not giving a shit is a religion. Welcome to the church of the agnostic. Where we know we cant know and rather than beating our heads against a wall, we do something productive with our lives.
atheism is a belief system. Since there is no evidence for or against, either stance is gonna require faith(a commitment to an idea the is unprovable). Watch a atheist-theist debate. Its amazing how similar they sound.

Comment Re:So it came from an Anonymous Cloud? (Score 0) 135

And who did i correct? i dont think i even mentioned any specific rules or violations of said rules. I said the language is completely fubared. Did my use of "u" in place of "You" throw your comprehension off? I commented on the english language and the adaptive include whats popular way of evolving. Then i made a small dry joke about English(essentially the USA) world dominance is slipping and will probably move towards Chinese.
"It due to this stupid mentality that i still have difficulty with the English language". - that comment right there

lol, my chatspeak den. I was never a chatroom guy, message boards(and those few and far between) are the furthest i get.Too many elitist retards running around on the internet. So until /. rules out shorthand, i will use it when i please. U are welcome to enjoy your proper English and skip any posts i make at your discretion. hell mod me down for bad English. Its a free internet.

Comment Re:So it came from an Anonymous Cloud? (Score 1) 135

Too bad English is a living language.


living language= a language so butchered it has no true rules, making it illogical and inefficient.
Even at 7 i knew there was a issue with having to learn, "For every rule there is a rule breaker."
English would be much better if people just followed rules. Exceptions only when absolutely necessary. But instead we make rules then break them at our leisure and as long as others like the rule breaker, it is now considered correct. It due to this stupid mentality that i still have difficulty with the English language(my native language, even if i grew up in the Southeast U.S.) , but i had absolutely no problems in Spanish or Japanese(Japanese, i just started learning).

and in 15 years, I bet that's how it goes.

in 15 years u will need this.

Comment Re:Hahaha have some crow (Score 1) 237

i have been moderately satisfied with my Comcast. They do have their occasional issue but i have had steady service for the last 3 years. Not only has my price not risen, i am still paying my "first year" bundle cost + $5 to $10, but my service rarely goes down. when it does it is usually minutes before its back. Much faster and more reliable than my old DSL through century-link where a sprinkle ment my speed drop to lower than 56k. i usually butt heads with Comcast about things like TPB. I was also one of the people to call foul yesterday. So i was wrong and i happily admit it.
Comcast did something right for once. Lets encourage that instead of screaming at them for their past BS, show them we appreciate when they put forth effort.

Sidenote:they could have reacted so openly simply to avoid confusion. With Anon still going(if a little rocky), the last thing u want is people thinking you are censoring. either way if the community reacts correctly, hopefully we wont need watchdogs like Anon.

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