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Comment Does it still record everybody around it? (Score 1) 45

That is the quintessential creepy aspect: if you are around someone wearing them, then your image, your speech, possibly the image of any object you're holding (e.g. credit card) becomes the property and use of a corporation. So, just like someone walking around with an leaf-blower full of anthrax, many of us don't want to be around anyone wearing one.

Comment Re:Sounds like he was arrested for shooting. (Score 2) 1197

If your theory is correct, then if he chose another means to bring down this drone he'd be in the clear? slingshot? bow and arrow? One of you tech bright-bulbs should really consider establishing a drone extermination service. "Let *us* handle your drone infestation: Drokin(tm): Armed with net guns and our patented seeker/killer drones our Drokin techs arrive within an hour of your text and quietly depart with the offending device."

Comment Re:And do what? (Score 2) 79

Where in the various treaties negotiated in the recent past has a "blind trust" as you term it, been an essential part? Seriously, you'd cast out all forms of diplomacy as being too trusting, and instead prefer war? Have you ever been in a war? Have you ever seen civilians killed because they had the misfortune of living nearby a perceived threat? If you had, then I believe that you would (eventually) prefer a flawed diplomacy to what promoters of war would profess to be the perfect solution.

Comment Re:And do what? (Score 1, Insightful) 79

Then, according to this inchoate treaty, (and many others like it), a demand would be made to inspect the site to prove no violation was underway. If there was no proof provided or allowed, then sanctions would be restored, or even military action taken, (as some warmongers desperately want already done immediately). But yet somehow i fear this simple honest reply wasn't the one that you were actually curious about?

Comment game over man, sell your property, move away! (Score 2) 265

Seriously, we're all doomed here on the west-coast, run-away! sell your property, save yourselves! It's all just rain and drought here anyway - nothing to see here, move along. The midwest is where you you should go. All that nice safe open space. Leave us poor clueless left coasters to die. oh... and take all the telephone sanitizers with you.

Comment Re:No Free Speech (Score 0) 581

"If you disagree, post. Make your case, explain your disagreement. Moderation is supposed to be factual..." and right there is a major contradiction of moderation: anyone who "disagrees" fundamentally believes that the post is false, non-"factual". So as a moderator, i have to intuit that while i disagree with your statement and that your statement is flawed, it honestly expresses your false state of mind, and not a "troll", (as you're currently unaccountably marked a troll, and as i probably will be soon)

Comment Gravity is bad for you - waterdesk needed (Score 1) 340

Remember waterbeds? you don't?? ("hey everybody! an old man is talking!") So that was nearly there, some bright entrepreneur (you sir, in the back, the one texting his stockbroker) needs to combine the "work paradigm" with the "waterbed conceptualization" to form: the water-station. the mark-III will include a endless lap pool attachment.

Comment tl;dr? doesn't matter. those links don't answer... (Score 1) 83

the original question: At what point, of photon flux, (one presumes), is the cross-over between observed quantum and classical phenomenon? none of those ('advertising') links answer the question. So make up your own number, there will be a constrained uncertainty to it anyway ("42"?)

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