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Comment Studies on Learning (Score 1) 396

Recent studies have shown that students retain more subject matter and "connect more dots" using physical books versus an electronic copy. This fact relates to the lizard/monkey legacy brain sub-unit that gets jazzed with 3-D texture. Until there is immersive virtual reality stick to a physical book for the heavy lifting and mark it up.

Comment Re:Bravo (Score 1) 140

First I've heard of SOPA. Just read the bill and it looks like it is very impractical to implement given the the complexity and automation of the internet. Only clueless administrators not in touch with reality could write this bill.

Comment Re:Rochester (Score 1) 352

A very good friend of my Dad's lived there (he rented a room from her in the late 1950's when working for Besly Cutting Tools). She lived to 98 years old. We visited a couple years before her death. At well known watering hole I could not believe how impolite the natives were. There was smugness that baffled me.

Comment Craig Venter (Score 1) 272

Craig Venter (first to decode the human genome and create artificial life) thinks it is possible to engineer artificial algae to consume CO2 and produce crude oil. He estimates that (5) industrial size plants in the US could replace all fossil fuel oil. The beauty is his system would plug right into the existing refining network.

Comment Re:Money (Score 1) 204

CEO stacks the Board of Directors with Yes Men then makes himself Chairman of the Board which is in direct conflict with the shareholders since the Board is supposed to work for the shareholders and the CEO for the board. So the fundamental problem is this disconnect which is positively correlated with excessive CEO pay. It is also called "The Psycho CEO Phenomenon". These companies usually eventually crash and burn just like families that are run by a psycho.

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