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Submission + - Death threats or freedom of speech?

magman writes: Kathy Sierra, author of several java books, posted on her blog about death threats and sexual harassment from several named "prominent" bloggers. Is it easier to cross the line between freedom of speech and harassment online than it is in real life?

"For the last four weeks, I've been getting death threat comments on this blog. But that's not what pushed me over the edge. What finally did it was some disturbing threats of violence and sex posted on two other blogs... blogs authored and/or owned by a group that includes prominent bloggers. People you've probably heard of. People like respected Cluetrain Manifesto co-author Chris Locke (aka Rageboy)."
The Internet

Submission + - Death threats in the "blogosphere"

An anonymous reader writes: Kathy Sierra goes public about her online bullies and explains why she canceled her appearance at ETech. Tim Bray has weighed in, as have other bloggers. This story needs to be spread around so that it can be seen by as many people as possible. Free speech is one thing, but death threats are never acceptable.

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