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Comment Re:Not a linguist, but... (Score 1) 626

In the preface to the book "What Color is Your Parachute" (2003,2009 editions) the author addresses this, cites some other grammar analysis authors, which also agree. He points out that this is again common usage in the current vernacular (just as it has been in previous periods in history).
View the page here: https://books.google.com/books...

Comment Re:Oh this is easy .... (Score 1) 394

Low 6's here, and only because I waited 2 years before actually signing up--otherwise I'd be what, only 4 digits?

I have many friends that have deleted their FB profiles for various reasons. They are still social, active participants in the *real world*, which is what matters.

Seems that depending on your personality type, the relation between your FB activity and in-real-life activity is either directly proportional (you're already a social creature), or inversely proportional (and with a high coefficient)--because even if you're introverted you still seek social interaction--just preferrably via distance communication.

Regardless, attempting to infer any meaningful information from someone's online activity or lack thereof seems a stretch (unless they explicitly blog all of their activities and opinions--and assuming they are *truthful* about all of it).

Comment What about abandoned devices? (Score 1) 100

I have a Motorola Photon 4G (pre LTE) that was infamously scheduled to receive ICS but then Motorola backpedaled and abandoned it, *right after* the last OTA shipped that locked the bootloader--so essentially it's stuck at gingerbread while fully capable of running kitkat or lollipop (with a much better experience).

It's not activated on my account to make calls anymore, but Sprint's system still sees it.

It's a world phone with both cdma and a sim card for gsm--would be a great travel phone if I could unlock it.

Comment Re:Hawking has no clue about AI research (Score 1) 574

And it's not 100% possible. There's a non-0% chance that humanity* was created by a "god" external to the universe and the stuff that makes for intelligence can't be replicated with what we have in this universe. I admit that seems a rather large stretch and extremely unlikely, but the majority of humanity seems to believe in God, gods, spirits, and the like, clearly they don't think there is a proven 0% of such things.

* and other living beings if you want.

That is a very good point I hadn't considered. There could be a directional connection from a "higher" order of existence to ours that is responsible for intelligence. In that light, then yes, the odds may in fact be 0. Including this possiblity simply means that we cannot actually calculate a singular odds at all--it's two-fold now: either >0 or 0--a dependent outcome which is really unknowable.

Comment Re:Hawking has no clue about AI research (Score 1) 574

This rebuttal is flawed. Obviously the odds of success of pursuing something impossible is always 0. You're equating the pursuit of things for which we have no model of possible existence with the pursuit of replicating something for which we have abundant, active examples of it's 100% possibility--over 7 billion intelligent, autonomous physical entities, not even counting other species which qualify.

I agree that there is no logic in attempting to predict a date for when someone will comprehend how to manufacture an entity that exhibits intelligence similar to our own. But there is likewise no logic in declaring we cannot or will not do so within any specific timespan either. However low the odds of success may be, they are still >0. The odds don't even go to 0 if not a single person is pursuing it directly--someone not in pursuit of it may have a realization that leads to it. We have historical examples of discoveries coming at us sideways.

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