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Comment Re:Market Failure (Score 1) 776

It's tricky to give just enough insurance that risk is properly diffused, but not so much that you create a moral hazard. The inflection point, it seems, is where effort stops and circumstances overtake. Until we can get into each other's heads and put an exact number on one's effort, we are dealing with truly Knightian uncertainty. If we had a marketing campaign disparaging people whose diet consists of soda and burgers, we could bring the American fat distribution more in line with the Japanese or Scandinavian. Imagine how many children we could send to school with the health savings!

Comment Re:Market Failure (Score 1) 776

The rationale isn't to limit consumer choice, but to reduce the healthcare costs associated with certain consumer choices. For example, a person's choice of hamburger and soda diet has externalities, namely resulting from the quadruple bypasses some of them require. These costs are not internalized; rather, most likely their health insurance (that is, rest of us) will foot the bill. --Apparently some of us do not want to foot quite so much of that bill. Hence, this. I do not think the government should step into food matters, though. I'd much rather see a more decentralized approach, such as making fun of people.

Comment Re:Where is the need for a mobile phone? (Score 1) 34

Where is the need for a mobile phone? Why can't this be done with just a credit card and an RFID chip instead like the Barclaycard OnePulse. Investing in infrastructure for this kind of card would make a hell of a lot of more sense to me.

Credit cards aren't necessities; cellphones are beginning to be, as they link rural merchants with their market and the rest of the world. Developing countries also prefer cell towers over phone lines for cost issues. They're basically skipping over a century of prototyping. With that said, hitchhiking one extra function onto a guaranteed platform would seem logical enough.

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