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Journal Journal: Rubble pile asteroids

As a child I learned about asteroids and have pictured them as solid pieces of rock of different sizes. Apparently, though, there have been suggestions since the 1970s and recent empirical data that some asteroids are actually collections of smaller rocks held loosely together by mutual gravity.

http://assorted-experience.blogspot.com/2010/01/rubble-pile-asteroids.html (blogspot, no advertising, single page :) )

Comment Or they can make us Jaded (Score 1) 1

Because the future is hyped up to much. I remember being depressed for a while in my 20s because we didn't have moonbases and interplanetary spaceships as the books had promised me. It took me a while to realize I was actually living in the future. The advances were in a different field (computing) and I was living with the advances, but not noticing them.

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