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Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

You think Islam is bad because you think the religion is extreme.

Yes. I also think Nazism is bad for the same reason.

I think it's a form of xenophobia from your own faith, and a fear for other religions that does not resemble your own.

I'm not religious, and what you're saying is that people who oppose Nazism are xenophobes too. Which is, of course, idiotic.

All in all, your just the same kind of religious fundamentalist as those who hijack planes in the name of Allah. Sure, you don't go bringing down towers, Christians rather have crusades, right that is indeed much better.

Even as we speak, Muslims commit, on a daily basis, terrorist attacks, honor killings, forced marriages, child rape, genital mutilation and the disfigurement of women for religious reasons. Crusades have not occured for hundreds of years, and the last proper Crusade occured in the 13th century. Furthermore, Crusades were different from Jihad because they were merely military campaigns sanctioned by authorities, not mandated by the religion itself (unlike Jihad), and their goals were not necessarily religious in nature. They were also temporal, whereas Jihad is eternal. Also, you can't complain about the Crusades and simply ignore Islamic campaigns to conquer and convert other peoples, especially when such actions are still undertaken in the 21st century.

Right, if the chance is there, people, religious or not still act as savages. I'm wrong? Then the plunderings cauzed by the enlightened people in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was just a lie afterall. Oh yeah, right ofcourse. Lost the will to live? No, I'd rather be happy to live if only to see the day fundamentalist religious freaks come to their senses. That way I'll have the will to live an eternity.

Did you forget your medicine? This is incomprehensible.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

Good to see you admit that.

There is nothing to "admit" since I never asserted that it is science or has anything to do with science. You're the one who brought up science.

It is religious mumbo-jumbo

Really? Where did I say anything about religion?

and the only place it is true is inside your head.

Not my problem if you're too ignorant to see what's going on.

I'd say "brain", but you don't have one.

Now, now, professor... that's not a very scientific thing to say, is it? You should rethink your hypothesis.

I hope you get well soon. Try to ask a doctor for a new brain. A monkey brain will suffice.

As I'm sure you are aware, professor, it is not possible to give a human a brain transplant. Gosh, you really suck at this science stuff, don't you?

Here's an idea: stop bothering the adults and go post somewhere that's more in line with your intellectual capabilities. Like, say, GameFAQs.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

You are either amazingly dumb or just trolling. Things are factual because you can not falsify them. You haven't even come up with a hypothesis, let alone a falsifiable theory. What you have is what is called conjecture, or superstition as is the case for you.

This is not science. There is no need for a hypothesis or a falsifiable theory. Many years of observation have made it clear that the West has lost its will to live.

Sigh. You have presented absurd, and highly speculative personal conjecture as fact. You claim that something that can not be observed, let alone tested and falsifiable is "fact".

I observe it every day. And how the fuck would you "test" something like this? Get everyone in a lab and take blood samples? Jesus Christ.

There is nothing you have said here that could have come out of the mind of anything but a raving lunatic or a religious nut case. Which are you?

You shouldn't project.

Facts are easy things to deal with. They are testable. They are falsifiable. They are observable. You have presented rambling opinions. Clear evidence that you are a lunatic and either in a hospital for people of your kind, or more likely, still living with your parents.

It's very safe to say that the only lunatic here is you. You are not making any sense, you're just spouting random bullshit.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

Something stated by you isn't factual just because you believe it to be so.

You're right. It's factual because it's just factual.

What are you doing on Slashdot? Slashdot is for geeks and geeks have brains. People with brains know what differentiates facts from hallusinations. You do not. You would not even know how to formulate a falsifiable hypothesis.

You say that yet you keep making random and preposterous claims and accusations that are based on nothing at all.

I don't have to, where ever your carcass is located at any point in time, your mind is forever locked inside your moms basement.

Give me hard evidence to prove that my mind is locked in my mom's non-existent basement.

For fuck's sake, how old are you? 14? I think this "your mom" shit might be more appropriate at 4chan. Maybe you should head over there.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

You just proved that you are a brainless moron.

Yes, because accepting factual information as factual information is clearly the moronic thing to do.

And again

Says the person who resorts to such classic arguments like "LOL UR MOMS BASEMENT."

You apparently think so.

Fine, prove me wrong. Give me hard evidence to prove that I live in my mom's non-existent basement.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

You state rubbish opinions like "the west has lost it's will to live", which are so amazingly dumb, and can not possibly be neither true nor false since the statement in and of it self is absurd. Then you think it is fact.

I think it's a fact because it is a fact.

What happened to you? Did you lose your will to live?

How is this in any way relevant?

Try with substance. Try with things you can back up with numbers. Your mumbo-jumbo is worse than the childish absurdities spouted by superstitious Muslims and Christians.

Cry some more.

It seems you have never been there, too busy in your mothers basement concocting absurd ideas with no sustantiating facts.

You really need to stop taking drugs. If I live in an apartment by myself, it is impossible for me to live in my mother's basement, especially when she does not even have one. Sounds like you're the one with basement issues if you can't see how messed up the Western world has become.

You are the one with the hallusinatoric mumbo-jumbo about a whole part of the world who has lost its will to live.

It's just a fact. Not my problem if you can't handle it.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

That is simply rubbish, unsubstantiated rubbish.

I really wish it was.

Again, complete baloney.

No, just a fact.

Do you ever venture outside the doors of your mom's house?

What does going outside have to do with anything, and how could I possibly live in my mom's house when I, in fact, live in an apartment by myself? You are not making any sense. Are you on drugs or something?

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

Actually, it is not. It is continually improving. It has been improving for thousands of years. There is not a single measure where we are worse off now than we were 100 years ago. The more we move away from infantile superstitions like Christianity, Islam and other mindnumbingly stupid fairy tales, the better off we are.

The West is dying culturally and demographically, it has lost its will to live. Technology and living standards won't help. And while we may be moving away from Christianity, we are moving towards Islam (not really the US, but certainly Europe).

No, I mean less religion. Even Islam is losing its grip on its slaves, that is why it is lashing out as hard as it is right now. Islam is turning to extreme violence because it knows it is going to die as we know it today. It is being replaced by MTV, Target and Gucci, and the Imams hate it.

Not so. Even immigrants who come to the West, and their descendants, stick to Islam and oppose Western culture.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

Western civilization is going down the toilet. It has actually been argued by many people that the declining influence of Christianity is at least partially responsible for the situation, which may be true since it is definitely a problem that Westerners no longer believe in anything. A sort of nihilism is the fashionable thing to do now.

When you say you want less religion you really just mean less Christianity. Islam is making heavy inroads into Western countries, with disastrous results, yet do liberals ever have anything to say about that? No, never. In fact, they defend it as if they were followers of Allah themselves. And then they curse Christianity and "religion in general" (not naming any names of course).

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 1) 576

Law isn't about morality and the government should not be in the business of enforcing any particular moral code.

Of course it's about morality. How could it not be?

Western civilization is already heading down the toilet at a rapid speed. If your terrible ideas were implemented, it would be warp speed instead.

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 0, Troll) 576

You bet your sweet ass I'm bigoted against bigots.

Yes, just make sure you're bigoted against the right bigots. If the bigots in question happened to be Muslims, blacks, gays or feminists, instead of Christians, then suddenly you would find yourself lynched by an angry mob.

Bigots and Zealots won't let other people go about their business.

Neither will liberals.

And you bet your sweet ass I hate Christians.

I guarantee your post would not be +3 if you had said Muslims instead of Christians. Someone would have called you a bigot, in fact.

But then I don't admire other religions, because anyone who tends to believe in imaginary friends also thinks they're the coolest and only friends *anyone* should *ever* admire, so at the end of the day religion serves as a petri dish for growing whole cultures of bigots.

And yet it's the Western nations full of Christians that are the most liberal...

With the whole brown good, white bad, men bad, women good you're just being silly. No "liberal" will say that, that's just bone-headed.

Liberals say those things all the time.

Maybe y'all should legalize abortion, so that women (who are generally not that stupid, given the choice) can make some decisions that would curb that trend.

Women are not stupid, yet they lack the intelligence to use birth control and be careful with sex? I sense a contradiction there.

Having said that, clinging to guns and religion is plainly unintelligent

There is not a single valid argument against the ownership and use of firearms. Self-defense is a natural and inalienable human right, and firearms are essential to self-defense (as well as law enforcement and national defense).

And seeing as how liberals are some of the most unintelligent people on the planet, you're really in no position to call other people stupid.

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