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Comment Learn the underlying mechanisms (Score 1) 293

Try learning more about what goes on behind the scenes. The syntax is one thing, making useful code is another. Making EFFICIENT useful code is yet another.

I've never been a huge fan of Java because it does so much for you, and you never really understand what's going on behind the curtain. Worse, unless forced to, you never have to deal with or think about resource allocation/deallocation, I/O access & caching, and the other things the JVM is doing for you or hiding the real details of.

The amount of time I've seen Java coders, who never coded in anything but java, spend DAYS trying to figure out why their program keeps having 'spikey' peroformance only to eventually realize it's the garbage collector, and then spending weeks more trying to figure out how to minimize the 'damage' without having their application's resource usage go through the roof by either disabling it or reducing it's frequency to unacceptably long times.

Of course, if you don't care about efficient coding, then none of this matters as much, but the point is - if you understand what is going on behind the scenes, you can either avoid or mitigate these problems ahead of time rather than spending weeks trying to figure them out, then weeks more trying to figure out how to minimize them without having to re-write large portions of your code.

Comment me! me! me! (Score 3, Funny) 465

Interesting, so I could lay myself out 9.2 million times between where am I and where I was born. Of course, a significant portion of those me's would drown. And I don't have a cloning machine. And even if I did, after I made the second me, we would probably start arguing about which is the REAL me, and never get anywhere 9.2 million of me. But still, interesting I guess.

Just imagine it, more than an entire New York City's worth of me ;P

Comment How stupid do they think we are? oh, wait ... (Score 1) 356

A rotten company will be a rotten company, no matter how many times it changes it's name.

You get customers back, and customers to like you by actually DOING something for your customers, even if it hurts your bottom line. Companies like Verizon know this better than anyone - Verizon was more or less a 'last resort' until they brought out FiOS, improved their customer service, and basically focused more on what their customers were demanding. That's not to say they're perfect, but a LOT better than before, and have the rep to back it up. And they didn't even need to spend millions of dollars changing their name to do it.

Telstra (in Australia) by contrast, spent all the money changing from Telecom to Telstra, but didn't improve a damn thing with customer service or the services they were offering. So the stink followed them through the new name.

When will companies learn, it's the customers, stupid!

Comment Re:GATTACA (Score 2, Insightful) 268

The big difference between American and the rest of the first world is twofold actually. First, that american corporations and industries have an unprecedented amount of influence over government policy. Second, that in general, american corporations care more about return to shareholders than anything else, including the treatment of their employees and corporate citizenship. The only time the latter two get any funding is usually for PR reasons, not altruism.

Don't believe me? Americans tend to work longer hours, get less vacation time, maternity/paternity leave, worse working conditions, and as a consequence, have higher stress levels than any other first world nation. Why? Because most corporations will only do what the government REQUIRES them to do, and given the corporations sway over the government here, it is less and less likely that initiatives to improve working conditions would ever be made law, because it would hurt the bottom lines of companies (which would mean less lobbying dollars going to Washington!)

How does this affect health care? Well, most people in positions to make any difference to policy (either politicians, or the corporations backing them) can already afford health care. They really don't care about those who can't afford it. The only reason it is actually gaining traction now is because finally there are people in enough key positions (like the presidency) who don't just care about themselves and their financial backers to actually try and get something that benefits ALL Americans passed into the law - even if it means taking on a very powerful lobbying group (the insurance companies).

America may have many proud traditions. Hell, it was probably founded on the best and most LIBERAL ideals (for the time) ever attempted at governmental level since the Romans (pre-emperor). But those ideals and principles have been slowly eroded with the rise of corporate power, and America just isn't the shining beacon of a government 'for the people' that it once was. So why not look at how other countries who ARE looking after their people for inspiration? To ignore good ideas because they are foreign is both arrogant and just plain stupid.

Comment Re:news flash (Score 2, Informative) 450

Having met some of the Adobe guys involved in the above rift between Adobe and Apple, I heard the Adobe side of the story.

Basically Apple came to adobe and say they were only going to support Objective C, and Adobe had to re-write all their products in Objective C to support the Apple platform, and Adobe more or less said "I don't think so."

There was more to it than that, and the rift went to the highest levels (big egos involved), an interesting tale. But basically Adobe was one company big enough with popular enough products to teach Apple a bit about eating humble pie. This of course was before OSX, the iPod, and basically the recent rise of Apple again, who is once again on a firmer footing to dictate any terms they like (thus ITMS).

Comment Re:Monopoly? (Score 1) 437

For the record, I don't boycott books that are higher than $9.99. I boycott books that have DRM on them. Because I have several different platforms (my desktop PC, my laptop, other portable reader, etc) - and most DRM stops me copying the stuff freely between them. The reason I buy an ebook is for convenience - and if it's no more convenient than a regular paperback or hardback (ie. I am REQUIRED to carry around the one and only container it works in - even if it's lighter than the paperback and can hold many more books) then I don't see the point in it, after all, I still find paper much easier to read from.

Not to mention, after the debacle a little while back with the publishers being able to force amazon to hit the kill switch on purchased content, I just don't trust DRM, especially when it is in the hands of publishers to decide the fate of any content that has already been sold!

Comment It's the addons, stupid! (Score 1) 477

My biggest problem with IE is not speed, resource usage, the tabs system, or anything like that.

I use firefox for one reason and one reason only. It has some excellent addons for it because there is a very well-defined place to GET addons, and anyone can submit one easily.

Not to mention that FireFox isn't worrying about trying to ensure people don't compete with them on their other products.

My five essential addons for FireFox are:
- AdBlock Plus (of which the more important part is the filters that are auto-updated)
- NoScript
- FoxyProxy (specifically for selecting a proxy by the URL automatically)
- User Agent Switcher
- Download Helper

I've not personally seen a nice central site like FF's addons page to manage addons - and without something like this, upgrading has to be done manually for each, and you are responsible for checking for updates and such. A pain in the arse.

Comment Quick Release (Score 4, Informative) 135

The problem with all this is you need a good piping and plumbing system in place, complete with quick release valves to ensure you can disconnect or connect hardware without having to do a whole bunch piping and water routing in the process. Part of the beauty of racks is you just slide in the computer, screw it in, and plug in the plugs at the back and you're done.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but just building a new case, or blade, or whatever isn't going to do it - you need a new rack system with built in pipes and pumps, and probably a data center with even more plumbing with outlets at the appropriate places to supply each rack with water. This is no small task for trying to retrofit an existing data center.

Not to mention that you have to make sure you have enough pressure to ensure each server is supplied water from the 'source', you cannot just daisy chain computers because the water would get hotter and hotter the further down the chain you go. This means a dual piping system (one for 'cool or room temperature' water and one for 'hot' water). And it means adjusting the pressure to each rack depending on how many computers are in it and such.

The issues of water cooling a data center go WAY beyond the case, which is why nobody has really done it yet - sure, the cost savings are potentially huge, but it's a LOT more complicated that sticking a bunch of servers with fans in racks that can move around and such, and then turning on the A/C. And there is a lot less room for error (as someone else mentioned, what if a leak occurs? or a plumbing joint fails, or whatever. Hell, if a pump fails you could be out a whole rack!).

Comment I don't want one in my iPod (Score 1) 444

They already glow with the batteries they have now! But at least that is a pink/red glow, I'm pretty sure an iPod glowing green would be a Bad Thing (tm).

That said, having the black/white iPod commercials change to black/green would be interesting. Kind of bring back the black/green monochrome monitor nostalga.

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