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Comment Re:Warning! Prospective alert. (Score 1) 537

In Chernobyl 28 workers died of acute radiation poisoning within weeks. Within the first few years another 15 first responders died of direct effect cancers, thyroid cancer etc. 100,000 people were within the radiation zone and the rates of cancer among the population are 1% above normal. Of the 4000 people who died of cancer from the elevated radiation level population we can only attribute 30 of those deaths to the increased radiation level based on general population cancer rates.

So It was not a disaster in slow motion. The majority of the deaths from Chernobyl happened within the first week. Deaths in the first week in Japan, 0.

Comment Re:Pry my curly brackets from my cold dead hands (Score 1) 444

Blocks: I don't care how you denote them but DENOTE them. Seems that language developers these days are trying to reinvent fortran. Not exactly the model of fast error free programming.

For scanning speed I would prefer a single character bracket, quote, parenthesis whatever vs multi character tags. But as long as there is some opening and closing for which I can receive syntax errors rather than silent bugs I am happy.

Comment Misleading subject. (Score 0, Flamebait) 541

Hardly cleared. Sounds like further investigation is needed (and will be performed).

The positive out of all of this is that the "skeptic" side is finally being heard instead of being completely ignored as heretical by the clergy of the Church of Global warming. There's way too much money to be made in all this carbon/green stuff for it ever to completely go away, but at least now we may be more inclined to focus on immediate and concrete issues rather than a wild goose chase.

Comment Re:Blame open-source (Score 1) 408

So true. Sun Hardware is nice. Very nice. But not nice enough to offset the fact that I can often get two or three of the "lower-end" stuff (which is often still quite reliable itself) and maybe even run Solaris on it (though Oracle, predictably, has begun charging quite a bit for Solaris support on non-Oracle hardware).

As a customer, I felt they pretty much were saying that they'd abandoned this middle-tier space to Linux...

Comment Re:Blizzard s*cks! (Score 1) 83

You are not an RTS fan. You are a linux guy. Can you be both? I don't think you can, not in today's game market. Perhaps you were an rts fan years ago and still have nostalgia for the genre, but you have chosen to remove yourself from the evolution of the genre and the pc game playing playerbase in general.
You can look down on us from your high, and game free ideological throne. But the pragmatic, actual game fans, have long since switched back to windows. Or at least dual boot. Or a hackintosh if you are willing to wait for your games and still want to make an OS statement.

Comment They should do it -- if they want. (Score 1) 486

If ISP's care about how their bandwidth is being used up, they should/would definitely disconnect users for even unintentional abusive behavior for this.

Used to work at a WISP, and malware infected customers were a huge source of network problems. Anyone suspected of being infected was contacted immediately, and potentially disconnected from the network if they were unreachable and/or immediate attempts to resolve their spyware problems weren't successful.

Perhaps wired ISP's aren't so concerned about this...

Comment Re:any legit crticis? (Score 1) 382

Definitely. Best place to follow a lot of the debate is LWN. See this article for starters on some of the numbers that prompt the criticism. Canonical also has developed a reputation for maintaining large patches or groups of patches for applications rather than pushing the stuff upstream. Or they fork and create a new upstream.

These are just some of the arguments I can recall popping up on LWN the last few months -- I'm sure you can find more.

Of course, the usual suspects are at work here too... jealousy for sure as the technical heavy lifting of Canonical is done by Debian, Red Hat and others who employ the kernel hackers and such. Without these folks, Ubuntu wouldn't even exist...

Anyways, not to say Ubuntu doesn't give back in their own way, but these are the meat of the technical criticisms.

The Almighty Buck

EA Says Game Development Budgets Have Peaked 157

Gamasutra reports on comments from Electronic Arts VP David Demartini indicating that the company thinks AAA game development budgets are not going to continue their skyward trend. "If [a developer] happens to make a lot of money based on that budget, great for them. If they come up short and have to cover some of it — y'know, they'll be smarter the next time they do it. That's kind of the approach that we take to it." Certainly this has something to do with a few major economic flops in the games industry lately, such as the cancellation of This Is Vegas after an estimated $50 million had been dumped into the project. Another example is the anemic response to APB, an MMO with a budget rumored to be as high as $100 million. Poor sales and reviews caused developer Realtime Worlds to enter insolvency and lay off a large portion of the development team.

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