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Comment Random Redirection NOW! (Score 1) 165

I really want to enroll there, make a little PHP script to redirect to a random link on either a newspaper, or the pirate bay (50% chance of each), and then distribute that link in an email. Wonder what they'd do with that. What about a site where if you aren't logged in, all links to its content redirect to copyrighted material? They aren't *really* going there, you just don't have access to where they actually go...

Comment Are things that are easy to blow up still allowed? (Score 1) 373

Can I still bring a cell phone and a laptop battery, fully charged and with their power controllers removed? Can I still bring a carry-on bag with two 1 meter reinforced steel rods connecting the handle, without anyone wondering if it could be dismantled and the steel rods used as quite effective swords? And will they still take my pencil, so I can't bring one to take notes while I make the laptop battery explode? Will they still not allow my modded PSP because it's see-through and the sight of electronics scares the shit out of them?

Comment Handheld Altair (Score 1) 110

I'm still wondering when someone is going to make a "handheld" Altair, reproducing some of the looks and most of the functions (except for plugin cards) and selling it on ThinkGeek or somesuch for a reasonable price. I want to play around with an Altair, but I'm not going to get one of those huge replicas:

Comment From a developer's point of view... (Score 1) 234

I've tried several programs that study the source code and tries to find possible null pointers, unchecked input, possibly dirty data and whatnot, and they all have one problem - false detections. When the program studies the source code and gives you the output of this process, you can quickly decide whether to act on it, fixing the potential bug, ignore the problem as "intended behaviour", or simply correct the syntax so the source code studying application doesn't complain about it anymore. However, if you were to run this thing, which is only concerned with the binary, wouldn't it have to run again for every single version of your application you distribute? Also, you'd never actually get any patch information back to put into the source, except maybe in binary... In addition to this, when some programmers take a quick and dirty approach to things to meet deadlines (which are sometimes more important than clean code) how will the program know about your "// DIRTY HACK. WILL FIX LATER, BUT THIS IS NEEDED FOR THE DEMO. FUNCTION X() WILL WORK AS EXPECTED WITH THE TEST DATA" comment in code? Will it try to correct the binary, producing unexpected results?

Comment I reinstalled my computer this month... (Score 1) 247

..and in the process I've downloaded 200 gigs, according to my firewall/router box, mostly from Steam (all my games are on Steam) but also a huge Linux livedvd and a few gigs of updates for my MMO of choice (about 15, to be exact). My point is: There are perfectly legal ways to use an assload of bandwidth, and I do.

Comment Re:Copypaste (Score 1) 171

And yet after a copypaste or screenshot it wont disappear anywhere.

Except after the key is gone, there's no way to prove the screenshot is real. If you receive a secret message this way, you can claim any screenshots are just fakes and that the message said something entirely different.

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