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Comment Re:As an advanced user, this does not bother me! (Score 2, Insightful) 504

No, but as an advanced user (I design SAN and NAS stuff) it insults me when they try and talk past me. When I buy a piece of electronics I've usually researched it to death and just want the salesman to get the box and ring it up for me; that's all. I've lost count of how many times these bogus "PC experts" have tried to blow smoke up my butt and impress me. Usually all it takes is telling them, "Fine. I'm on my way to Microcenter / Fry's," and they suddenly are able to sell me what I want.

The worst thing you can do to them is walk out, buy someplace else, and TELL THEM.

Comment What really changed? (Score 1) 446

I was presented with two choices; Public (recommended) and to keep the current settings. I like the way my settings were, so I kept them. I'm looking at the privacy page right now and the ONLY difference that I can see is it wants a password to access the privacy settings. Everything underneath is exactly the same way it was before they made their changes, which BTW are Everyone for adding me & my location with everything else locked down to "Only Friends". If something's changed under there, I can't see it.

Now, it's pretty sneaky of them to call it a change and put up a big screen with just a few choices that are defaulted to Everybody. Still, I don't see where it's irrevocable; surely they learned something from the Beacon fiasco.


Submission + - Online Videos for preschoolers

benro03 writes: "Recently, due to my family's current economic situation, we cut off cable leaving just the 'net connected up and ordered our coupon to get a digital converter box. I've also modded my old XBox and loaded XBMC on it so I could stream Hulu and other online video. There are numerous places to go for adult entertainment, but I am having difficulty finding something suitable for my 2 year old to watch. I'm looking for something legal (so I don't have to go around "fixing" things constantly) with a variety of educational / entertainment shows. I'm sure there are some parents on Slashdot that have done the same and are growing tired of seeing the same "Wow Wow Wubbzy" and "Max and Ruby" DVD's over and over again. And yes, I am searching YouTube also."
First Person Shooters (Games)

Black Mesa Nearing Completion, Trailer Released 103

Today, the Black Mesa Team released an impressive trailer for their remake of Half-Life . The remake is a total-conversion mod for Half-Life 2, bringing the updated graphics and AI of the Source engine to the original game. The team has been dropping hints lately that the project, which began in 2004, is almost done, and the trailer confirms that it will be out in 2009. They also recently announced that they've "dropped Counter-Strike: Source as a requirement for Black Mesa, and from now on, the only thing you'll need to play the mod is a Steam account with any Source engine game installed! Black Mesa is now running completely off of our own content and base Source shared content, and we felt the vastly increased user base more then [sic] justified creating all the extra assets needed to make this switch."

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