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Comment Possible High "Parental Factor" (Score 4, Insightful) 201

I can see this being aimed at tech-dumb parents/grandparents. Might be huge for my "business-smart but tech-dumb" bro-in-law who doesn't mind paying a fortune for a mobile data plan. I don't see how this gives any halfway tech-literate person anything better than what they can do on their own with a good ripper and a NAS. If they also provided a local DRM-Free file for home/traveling non-streamed viewing when you take your disc in, I could see it being more popular, but as is, I am not interested in the slightest.

Comment Necroscope (sci-fi-ish) (Score 1) 1244

I only include this because Lumley takes more of a scientific explanation of the Wamphyr and not a supernatural one. Alien race of vampires infecting our world through a "wormhole" under a old soviet science base being fought off by a hitech squad of vamp hunters led by a guy capable of mathmatic teleportation. Sounds sci-fi enough to me! The first 8 or so books of the Necroscope line are one of my all time favorite series, but they don't seem to get much publicity in this day of "sparkly vamps". http://www.brianlumley.com/necroscope/ http://www.amazon.com/Necroscope-Brian-Lumley/dp/0812521374/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331128761&sr=8-1 I also thought that new comers to the series would think the first book was a 6th sense ripoff and be turned off, but it was actually around long before that movie.

Comment Marketing (Score 1) 176

No matter how good LibreOffice gets, if no one knows it exists, it will not catch on. They really need to invest in some proper marketing some people other than geeks will know they even exist.

Comment How Low Is Trespassing? (Score 1) 1127

Here is an odd question that may come up more in the future with cases similar to this... With surveillance drone tech becoming cheaper and more prevalent, at what height from the ground does something become "on the property" and therefore guilty of trespassing? 30ft? 300ft? At some vertical point in space above the ground, you will need to establish when a floating/flying object is considered "on your property".

Comment Piracy & Privacy (Score 1) 477

Long ago Adobe's applications went from having an actual "splash screen" to a "loading screen" that we have to sit and watch. To hear this guy talk about it, this sounds like more of Adobe wanting to lock users into their Adobe subscription model than actually worrying about start times. Anything that would connect to "instance in the cloud" would have even more ties into logging how the user access their programs and give Adobe even more control.

Comment Has Come Up TWICE So Far (Score 1) 364

This has come up twice so far. Both times have been to require all full time employees (49% or less are exempt, as well as intermittent are exempt) to create a Facebook and Twitter account using their real names (if they do not already have one), provide real company contact information, and follow/join corporate groups. We have been very lucky that it has been shot down each time it has been brought up. I fear that it is only a matter of time before a VP decides to push the issue himself and then will be pushed through. Half the group didn't blink an eye about it, the other half are deeply entrenched against it. I fall on the side of completely against forcing an employee to join a public social network with their real identity.

Comment Deceased Collection but not Divorced Dividing (Score 1) 458

I have had to deal with digital data collection of deceased loved ones, but I have not thought about having to divide digital files up between people. The collection was very difficult in its own right, and I imagine the dividing/duplicating could get quite tricky also because you are having to have multiple inputs from people into the problem. Damn. Good luck to you.

Comment Private vs Public clinics (Score 1) 1271

In reading the article I could not see whether numbers were pulled from doctors that were in public or private practices. Private practice I can see them getting away with it, however not in public practice. This may be hard for those in metropolitan areas to understand, but many small towns and communities may only one doctor office (and a pure pediatric clinic can be around even less!). If the only pediatrician office is a public office and they turn kids away, I would think the ambulance chasing lawyers would be smacking their lips to get a piece of that action. I do believe most vaccinations are a worthwhile endeavor, but I just do not like the idea of doctors turning away a kid because of the decisions the parent makes.

Comment Strongly, but... (Score 1) 583

I voted "strongly for", but would prefer to see it be a non-corporate multinational effort and not just US. I think it would be expensive and the US should not have to foot the whole bill, plus if the US has a base, then China, Russia, India, etc... will all want one of their own and lots of problems could start. A lunar Casablanca sounds great, but it is getting harder and harder for the space-capable countries to agree on much.

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