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Comment Re:Does nothing for me. (Score 0) 408

True. But even if you type looking at the keyboard, you can quickly look up and see what your searches are so far and if you spelled anything wrong. Than you can easily backspace and correct. This is also helpful when you are searching for something but you do not know what the keywords are. I think users will see after using instant search for a while, it is a bit faster.

One thing that doesn't work is the site: feature. If you start to specify site:, instant search is turned and wants you to submit your search...even after a valid domain is typed.

Comment Re:!Good (Score 0) 344

...when did it become such a problem? Oh, right - when schools started replacing c with Java


I missed out on C by a couple of years and Java is my first language. Because of various blogs, curiosity and /. I always try and think in terms of memory and the stack.

Oh, and becoming proficient in C is on my todo list

Comment Re:Everything You Need to Know About Niggers (Score 0, Offtopic) 322

Well put. It doesn't have to do with what country someone is from or the color of their skin. Everything is about culture and our environment. We are all humans and we are shaped by our environment. Genetics might play a small role in the beginning and throughout someones life, but environment is the big picture.

Comment Re:They certainly don't know science. (Score 1) 989

Then neither should macro-evolution. Many of it's claims have been falsified, yet it's still taught.

WRONG! Read the comments above again.

jridley stated, "Science progresses when previous theories are shown to be incorrect or incomplete, and are revised or replaced."

If a claim has been falsified (you need to cite one), then it has been revised, changed, modified, etc. That is the idea here. If science is wrong, it will admit it and continue to explore what is correct.

Comment Re:Suckaz (Score 1) 641

So where does that put someone who wants to download unlimited media at under $20 a month, drink a beer on Sunday after mowing the lawn, smoke a joint when on vacation, go to a gay friends wedding, and stop getting raped on my income taxes?

Libertarian of course.

Comment Re:It's about being truthful (Score 1, Interesting) 718

...Walk down the street and pick out a hundred random people and ask them if they are interested in programming open source. They don't even say "if you are interested in free open source software" they say "open source programming." Do you think you'd even find one person interested in actually programming open source?

And even pick out 100 random programmers and how many would answer yes?

Comment Re:Look Around You, Look Around You, Look Around Y (Score 1) 405

I'm a poor Java guy that will write an Ant script to run a build that inside of it has a compile task (subset). We (past two companies I worked at) do not use compile and build interchangeably.

Anyway, from your original comment, my reply was a sad attempt at humor, not a personal attack on you personally. I think most /. comments are on the comments, not the person.

Comment Re:Look Around You, Look Around You, Look Around Y (Score 1) 405

Actually, with police around, people here in Chicago are still getting killed. I'd much rather have an automatic to defend myself.
Fire....ummm, they will never get there in time to save my home or family. I have smoke detectors and fire insurance.
Court system. Coruption. I served as a juror for a drunk and driving case. The jury just wanted to go home, and not lose another day of pay. He clearly deserved a DUI, but we found him not guilty because the state attorney did a terrible job of finding him 'guilty without reasonable doubt'.
I'd much rather keep my tax dollars and fend for myself.
Read Patri Freedman

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