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Comment Re:Price of software development is within reach (Score 1) 466

they have much better spending oversight)

Somebody else already said a similar thing, I see.. but...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... That is a good one.

BTW: Another possible explanation for the reason that the Indian government can't be fleeced to the tune of some other nations is for the same reason that you usually can't steal a million dollars from a homeless person.

Comment Re:Predicted future news: (Score 1) 245

You say the majority of your day (I assume working) is spent dealing with spam.

So why do you hate the people that essentially make your paycheck?

You can argue macroeconomic stuff, blah, blah, blah.... that has nothing to do with it... at the end of the day (this day) your current bread on the table is coming from spammers (by your account here)... if there wasn't spam, you as a resource would have to be reallocated.. not saying it wouldn't be... but it isn't today (and there is no one holding a gun to your head to work in your current job.. you could work at CostCo). Right now, as it stands, spam helps your personal bottom line.

So, cry me a river.

Comment Re:DirecWay to the rescue! (Score 1) 140

Satellite phones predate even Iridium (as mentioned by the other followup).. Iridium was a new way of marketing the technology to be more acceptable (which ultimately failed spectacularly) (and also significantly improving the handset form-factor), but I remember using a suitcase sat phone in the early 90s.

Comment Re:African or European? (Score 1) 298

I would have refrained, except I've seen a shitload of bad moderations this morning. I'm glad to see that he wound up with a +5 funny, and equally pleased that the my comment you responded to was modded down. Even though "troll" was a mismod, I found that humorous, as well.

If I were not a ethnically Jewish now secular transhumanist... I would be praying for you.

Comment Re:short version "you should have listened to me" (Score 0, Troll) 127

I also like the nice touch of the opacity of the links. I click a link about "Haystack" to get directed to another poorly written snark post light on content with yet another "Haystack" link that will, oh wait, take me back to that same exact page.

Fuck you.

Why is everybody with the surname of Graham that writes on the Internet a self-important self-absorbed douchebag? (And no... I don't consider myself a douchebag, just a crackpot with some severe issues dealing with loss.. thanks). Did Paul Graham witness his wife having anal gangbang with Larry Ellison and Bill Gates? If not, he has no excuse.

Comment Re:immigration category (Score 1) 654

No. The point is that one is higher than the other, and therefore of higher priority. Despite what you may believe a PhD/masters classification is not all that valuable and continually becomes less so since it is now pretty much SOP for Indians and Chinese to come here and attain those degrees to increase their chances of staying.

Numerous private American universities in addition to attracting the best and brightest also attract the "have a paycheck" crowd.

You can have a PhD and if you do not get special sponsorship you may still remain on a waitlist forever. EB-1 or other priority categories allow to go to the head of the line so-to-speak.

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