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Comment No Mainstream Media Coverage (Score 4, Funny) 239

The lack of mainstream media coverage of this issue is telling. They're not afraid to pass up a story if it's in their best interest to do so. I propose we force them to report on ACTA by kidnapping Kanye West, stripping him naked, tattooing "SETEC Astronomy" on his forehead, and launching him in a homemade balloon purchased by John Gosslin with the money he stole from Kate.

Comment Re:Petty and vaguely sordid. (Score 5, Funny) 106

This isn't from a trade group. It's from a group of ordinary consumers just like you. These informed consumers know that no personally identifiable data is being stored and in the event that it is stored it is only shared with trusted 3rd parties and affiliates. These consumers also appreciate the opportunity to accept valuable offers from reputable online companies. These consumers understand that the personalized marketing communications they receive can make their online experience richer and more engaging. This comment is subject to change at any time without notice.

Comment Re:Sorry, Harry (Score 1) 202

So, the ROI and Ad spend decreased despite content integration and sponsored recommendations. Perhaps if we incentivize the inclusion of web-facing strategy indicators? Hold on, the webinar about how to get people to punch the monkey is starting...

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