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Comment Re:It removes all barrier to entry (Score 1) 597

I have to point out that this is program would remove all barrier to college entry. If there is no cost to start education, and not finish it, then there will be millions of people who do so. Think of the problem...

Easy solved: raise some other, non-monetary barriers; like organize an admission exam; make it tough enough and only those motivated to invest time in learning for the exam will pass it.

Comment Re:Some issues I see (Score 1) 597

3. Dwindling population, in general, or just of graduates, will destroy the system.

Wipe your glasses, your not seeing this one right. Actually, unless mandatory euthanasia is imposed over a certain (but still a productive) age, dwingling population means lower number of kids entering the system, thus less amount to support.

Comment Re:I'm confused (Score 1) 97

(but as my wife would say.... what else is new?)

Anyways... If the content is already freely available, then the content is already available to the public, isn't it? in what way would a hyperlink constitute an illegal communication to the public when the content itself is, in fact, already public?

"Public" doesn't necessarily imply "legally public".
To me, the ruling says: "No matter about the legality of a freely available piece on the Internet, whoever links to it is not guilty of breaking any law".

Comment Re:When I quit carrying my cell-phone in my pants. (Score 1) 180

I still felt ghost 'buzzing' and had muscle twitches in that area of my leg for 6 months.

It a very serious illness, it's called hypovibrochondria (aka ringxiety or fauxcellarm)...
I reckon not carrying you mobile in your pants will result in massive improvement on the life expectation... of your mobile.

Comment Re:Hacker??!! (Score 1) 248

It's insane to try to prosecute the downloader. My 6 year old loves to watch youtube videos. Alot of the words she knows how to spell like 'dora' and 'mickey mouse' are copyrighted. How is she (or her grandma or anyone else) suppose to know that video A is ok to watch but video B (which youtube is still getting ad revenue from) is copywrited and illegal.

Ignorantia juris non excusat. Throw her and her granny in jail, they're criminals.


Comment Re:Is there such a thing as Xtreme eating? (Score 2) 274

So, is there such a think as Xtreme eating (like extreme sports?)

If the people who ate them " described them as the most delicious mushrooms they've ever eaten.'"

In most of the cases, the expression would change to: "the most delicious mushrooms they'll ever eat".
You see, a human body has only one liver.

Comment Re:Imagine That You're a Biology Teacher (Score 0) 665

> You know that more than half of the students in your class have been told by their parents and their pastors, that when the subject of evolution comes up, they should just tune out.

For fucks sake don't mention the turns ratio, lenz's law, conjugate variables or titration to any Christians. They'll want to fuck that up their children's minds about that too, by inventing crackpot alternative 'theories'. Just keep quiet and let them fail their exams.

Until they'll start claiming that failing the exams is discrimination. After all, in their view, their ignorance is as good as anybody's science.

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