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Comment Re:And? (Score 4, Insightful) 497

No. The difference is not (and was never expected to be) that organic food contains more or better nutrients. The difference is that organic food does NOT contain the stuff that's bad for you (pesticides, growth hormones, toxic compounds, heavy metals, etc). Scanning previous studies, peer-reviewed or not, is interesting, but is in no way a substitute for new research. This kind of report just gives science a bad name.

Comment Re:Summers off? (Score 3, Interesting) 729

Schools were out during the summer so that children could work in the fields. How relevant is this now?

For some people here in rural agricultural Ireland, very. Ditto elsewhere in the countryside. But that's maybe 5-10% of the population. If school isn't going to be a year-round thing, then cut some of the summer holiday and add it to the other breaks. Or make the timings entirely local, as you described.

Comment Re:Come on, this is 2012 (Score 1) 290

OK, so WD-40 is a water-repellent which happens to be a penetrating oil here on earth. There are other penetrating oils, such as the graphite-based one from 3-in-One. I have no idea if they work in zero-grav and hard vacuum, but presumably someone in NASA does, and is either using them or has discounted their use. Job #1 is to fix the problem, and I'm sure they'll come up with a way, even if it means duct tape. Job #2 is to prevent this class of problem reocurring, and that's a design problem for the long term. This space stuff was always going to be a learning curve.

Comment Re:Surely I'm not the only one surprised by this? (Score 1) 399

The American Budweiser, sure. But the original Budvar is great. Thank fuck former President of Czechoslovakia Václav Havel prevented it being taken over by Anheuser-Busch.

Did you hear about the American who thought his beer tasted odd, and sent it to the Public Analyst's Laboratory. He got a letter a week later: "Dear Mr Smith, We're sorry to have to inform you that your horse has diabetes..."

Comment Nope (Score 1) 278

Apart from being wedge-shaped (so they'll get their ass sued by Apple), the moment I looked at the video and saw the huge block of a power charger, it was clear that this isn't the portable Air-slayer that it might have been. I want something I can take away without having to lug half a ton of support equipment with me.

But the show-stopper is that vertical resolution. 900px is strictly for the brain-dead. Manufacturers think all anyone ever does is watch videos. Some of us need portable computers to do (gasp) work, and that means being able to see a whole-page document at readable resolution without having to use a microscope and without having to scroll the page vertically. Even my old Dell 4:3 Inspiron has a 1400×1050 display, and the only competitor to that at the moment is Apple's Retina display, which I tested last week and find I can read perfectly. Yes, I know you can get screens up to 1080px high, but the quality is crap and the prices ludicrous.

So snooze on, Lenovo, you've got a lot of research to do yet. Have a Google for laptop vertical resolution...

Comment Re:SimpleMobile (Score 1) 288

Just for comparison, I visited the UK a year ago with my (unlocked) HTC Hero and just got a SIM from Three. The SIM was free (other providers have similar deals), so you just top it up on the regular pay-as-you-go basis — I splurged £20. That lasted me the week of my conference with some to spare (some calls home, some business calls, some local calls fixing meetings/dinners/etc, and a few texts). Plus what appeared to be unlimited data (obviously there's a limit somewhere, but a week of email, downloads, tweets, webpages, etc never got near it). Just went back last weekend, the card still had £9 left, and I got a similar workload done over three days. Towards the end of the last day, I got a text message warning me I was getting low on credit, so I topped up by £15 ready for my next visit next month.

The problem with American "plans" is that they are month-based, and possibly 99% of business and vacation trips are way shorter than that (not a concern to the OP, who is using a longer-term basis). But I didn't realise that it was possible to get a usable SIM-only deal in the USA, otherwise I'd have signed up for it in Boston last month.

Comment Re:Nothing New (Score 3, Insightful) 349

That is because corporate infrastructure software does not generate revenue. Why spend money that does not directly impact the bottom line?

Marketing can always get fat funding to have designers polish the turds on the web site, but the backend people don't have access to that kind of money.

Maybe when you get people who actually understand the underlying business rather than a MBA graduate, that will change.

If payroll is threatened, you may get some action, but anything else usually gets a Band-Aid.

Comment Re:Probably won't hurt anything......for now (Score 1) 378

[...] it just loses the plot sometimes when trying to connect and sync with multiple IMAP accounts on a flaky Internet connection

Unfortunately it's just on flaky connections. I have a pretty stable connection, but Tbird still thrashes for minutes on end just to download the next message. I tested the identical config for the same accounts using Claws-Mail, and it responded just fine.

I detest webmail interfaces: cluttered with stuff I will never use, and often missing key features (Redirect, Reply List) or hiding them knee deep (View Source).

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