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Comment Re:Bad Idea (Score 1) 178

I forgot to say : Not only does it land the ability to nuke every important city in the world, but this almost without being detected. Current missile lunch detection system spot big rockets lifting-off. In space all you would need is a smaller missile being able to resist entry into atmosphere and guide itself while falling.

Comment Re:Bad Idea (Score 1) 178

Because space is for everyone and provides too much firepower ability. Placing a satellite the size of a school bus loaded with nuclear missile would lend it's owner with enough power to nuke most big cities in the world under 8 minutes. This goes completely contrary to non proliferation treaties. There's is also a domino effect. Almost no country in this world could survive on its own now. Everyone depends on someone else. If a third world war was to happens, the last things you want is to be alone. If every communication means goes down you won't be able to contact either allies or enemies. Einstein said: I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth - rocks!

Comment Comonly used patents shouldn't stand (Score 1) 647

Commonly used patented technologies that didn't got enforced for a few years should lose their patented status and fall under public domain. This is plain common sense. The best examples are FAT technologies, which most of the world embedded stuff use. Why should MS let everybody use it for years than once if got global domination try to enforce the patent on everybody and cash in. That's just evil. (Patent trolls are evil, but they shouldn't exist first, that's because of the boggus patent system in the US).

Comment Re:Feh. (Score 1) 220

That's why I can still play with my S939 Opteron 180 machine pretty well. I simply upgraded to a 9800GTX+ in 2008 summers and my machine is still doing pretty well for its age. But it's maxed out with 3Gigs of ram and the video card is bottlenecked by the CPU. After 5 years (with upgrade all along) I think that this machine served me very well. I'm looking toward a new build by the end of this year. I'm doing more and more intensive multitasking and going for a quadcore will be huge boost in productivity.

Comment It has negative side effects too (Score 1) 234

Natural law demonstrate that when one of the ressource become almost inexhaustible, a specie starts to grow and deplete the other resources it depends on. Dont get me wrong I'm the first to support nuclear fusion and free energy for all. The sudden advance in technology it would bring would be incredibly huge. But I do think most of the world is not ready for such a boon. Having lots of energy not only provide you tools to create good things. It do provide you tools to do incredible bad things too.

Comment Re:peak oil clarification (Score 1) 720

Who care's about peak oil anyway! The barrel price will continue to rise and most of the dependant sub-product will gradually shift toward another medium. There's already organic produced plastic and we will be able to produce pure octane fuel using algea soon. You know there's other goods in history that were deemed as unreplaceable. Spice was use to extends meat life and for a lot of stuff during most of 1000-1800 AD. People even went to travel to the end of the world to get some. They ended up on another continent.

Now we're digging everywhere and polluting more than ever to extract tar. This is a stupid thing. But one day we will simply move to something else as if oil had never existed. People tend to get focused on current tech without ever thinking that something else could be good too. It's just out of their sight. If I told you that in 50 years we will have home size nuclear fusion reactor for real cheap and that we'll have teleportation, you would call me freak or dreamer, but that's the same somebody would have been told just before cars happened. Now if Colombus ended up on another continent seeking for India, then our seek for tritium could send us way farther!

Comment Re:What are we waiting for? (Score 1) 90

What isn't said is that water vapour is a far more efficient green house gaz than carbon dioxide. But first thing first, we need to engineer a bacteria that will survive in the harsh environment of Mars and grow into its soil, to release frozen CO2 and water. Once enough of both are present in the atmosphere, we'll be able to introduce plant that survive harsh, desert conditions. Finding the right bacteria is the only tough thing. Once we have it, seeding it is a matter of sending a rocket to the red planet. Once started, the process would have to reach a point where it can sustain itself. Its a matter of starting back the ecosystem that once rose began on Mars. Having the global temperature of the planet being elevated by only 1-2 Celsius degree could melt some more underground water, adding to the green house effect. This wouldn't be instantaneous, but it would mostly be done free of any mankind intervention except at the beginning. After a couple hundred years the condition will be fair enough to introduce plants and bugs, the air would start to become breathable. Its a long term process, but it can be done, fairly easily. The "gardening" task wouldn't have to be accomplish until many hundred years, and we can hope some technology to get to Mars fairly easily will have been invented.

Comment Why get China into this? (Score 1) 453

Why do the China has to get into this? Don't the US realize that by having such deals and loan with China they're selling their country. Obama has planned for the green energy industry to help to rebuild the economy. If the wind turbines and most of the manufacturing is done in China, where's the point?

Comment Re:commercially viable ? (Score 1) 251

Fusion is still years away, but in a time frame much more reasonable than say an antimatter reactor. The first ITER estimate were talking about 2025. I think the last time I read about it, it was about 2034. We should be able to see it happens. Also the fusion CAN be safe. The containment shell radio-active decay last about a hundred years and is way smaller than the by product of nuclear fission. The fusion waste should be handled as safely than fission waste.

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