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Comment PIII 500 for me (Score 1) 515

I run a Dell PIII 500 mhz, circa 1999 at home. It's my one and only home pc. I run Win2k with 512MB mem. I run AutoCad 2005 among other things and it is all I need. Yeah, it would be faster if I upgraded but I don't -need- to. Most people don't -need- to. I totally agree with this article and have been shaking my head at the housewife/metrosexual moron for years that forks out for the latest and greatest only to surf and use QuickBooks to balance his personal checking account. When and if I finally do upgrade, it'll be to one of those uber-fast 1.8Ghz beasts.

Comment Linux's roots (Score 1) 1127

It's a hacker's system. The problem is distros and people try to make it into something it's not. Yeah, you can run a business with it, do homework and burn DVD's but it's just not refined enough for average Joe to use it for those things. The community is fooling themselves if they think it's anywhere near ready for the ol' cliche 'prime time'. I love tinkering with Linux, but that's all it's good for in my opinion - tinkering. I don't believe it needs criticism because I don't believe its got any chance of being worthy of being useful enough to need criticism. It's sortof like saying Hyundias should have Bose stereos. Give me a break. Don't try to make a diamond out of a rough piece of carbon. Linux kicks ass, but not that kind of ass.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 346

Exactly, not to mention the tiny fraction of a fraction of a percentage of people that have super duper laser ears that can actually tell the difference in a 320 and 800kb file. This is ridiculous. Stop it already.

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