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Comment The Germans did it... the Germans did it... (Score 1) 173

Ursula von der Leyen (Zensursula) tried to introduce this in Germany. The BKA (Bundeskriminalamt) was supposed to run lists of domains to be blocked by German ISPs. There was so much protest, that the CDU (probably biggest political party in Germany) had to put her down and put her into another position within the government (I am still not sure why that woman is still in politics, she should leave the country as our former minister of defence did.

That secret list, proposed by the CDU, was leaked at Wikileaks in Germany. That's when the BKA raided Wikileaks's offices in Germany in search for child porn and confiscated most of their machines and the domain (the site was down for ~1 month). Those were the methods they used to silent them...
This all happened beginning 2009 and the members of the Pirate-Party Germany increased by ~1000% in a couple of months, they are the 6th biggest party atm.

I am wondering if the British do/try the same now?

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