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Comment Re:U.S. law still applies (Score 4, Insightful) 179

Portuguese citizens need to be reminded that they're still under the jurisdiction of U.S. law, and WILL be extradited to the U.S. for breaking any IP laws!

This post contains dangerous levels of sarcasm and thus required by Poe's Law to have at least a single emoticon (smiley). The poster may be considered himself warned.

Comment Re:Russia's treatment to Pussy Riot (Score 4, Interesting) 252

With 97% of federal cases ending in plea bargain and again over 90% of the rest being won by the prosecution, you comment strikes me as a bit naive.

And of cause does the US have a "hooliganism" law, for example in California http://www.shouselaw.com/disturbing-peace.html#overview .

Comment Re:Light Table - Why it's Cool (Score 1) 94

How is this informative? This guy clearly doesn't know what he is talking about. PyDev (Plugin for Eclipse) gives you autocomplete since ages. You don't need static typing to be able to read out interfaces. IPython (interactive python extension) does it too. Or like pretty single one of these http://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments . Hell, there even a VIM autocompletion plugin, if you are into that sort of stuff.

As for differences, how about showing results of your program as you type? Or Method-based hierarchie instead of file-based one? Watch the intro video one more time, please.

Comment ME3 gayness... (Score 1) 1069

All this talk about a male/male option in ME3 and I never even found out who it supposed to be! Vega? The latino pilot? Garrus? xD

What I want to say, if you don't look for it, you won't probably find it. It's not like you have to sleep with guys to get a perfect ending (a lot of masturbation a.k.a. Galaxy at War, but it's another matter).

There are options for murder, genocide and (probably) jaywalking and having a possibility to romance a dude is their biggest problem?

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