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Comment Re:Germany has had consistent policy (Score 1) 644

Are you implying the Germans (and other parts of the world) have not figured this out? that they sit in the dark all evening?
Yes - of course solar is not the only energy source but then again typically, consumption is substantially lower for much of those dark hours so you don't require as much infrastructure to meet the demand...

Comment Re:Words have meanings (Score 1) 152

Unless the materials mined in space magically disappear, will they not have survived their impact with the Earth's surface when their spaceship lands?

And once you try to bring them into the US, US laws apply... think CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) i.e., you might be able to legally catch a three pecker wood toad in BoraBora but if its protected under CITES, you face legal consequences if you're caught bringing it into the US. And, I think they'd notice an arriving spaceship...

I don't have a sig

Comment Re:Willing to bet.. (Score 1) 1706

> Uh, maybe the fact I'm not pointing my gun at them?

You're assuming that everyone [with a gun] is capable of behaving rationally in an entirely irrational situation. you are pointing your gun at someone else just like the initial shooter is doing. Do you trust the person on the far side of the theater to know that you're not an accomplice?

> and no amount of fact or rational thought can change that.

And you are entitled to your opinion too (even if it is wrong)

Comment Re:Willing to bet.. (Score 1) 1706

Yeah... I happen to presume that taking a hand gun to the theater is idiotic but that is just my personal opinion... in fact, I think it says a lot about your culture (or personal insecurity) if you feel that you need to do this. Of course, you are entitle to disagree.

No, I cannot cite examples... it was a question (i.e., how... [sorry I forgot the question mark at the end]).

Can you provide examples to support your claim?

Comment Re:Willing to bet.. (Score 1) 1706

> Still there is a chance that you would be able to do that under lucky circumstances. And that chance justifies permission to carry weapons.

This sort of attitude strikes me as just nuts. You're in a dark crowded space full of panicking people with a handgun that is not particularly accurate under ideal circumstances. Once you start shooting, how are the other whackjobs with guns (oops, my bias slipped out there) supposed to know whether you're one of the 'good guys' or not? In the best possible scenario you injure the shooter so they can face trial... in all of the other out comes, there are more deaths and injuries and you run the risk of getting shot yourself.

That hardly sounds stabilizing to me.

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