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Comment Re:I just don't care (Score 1) 232

And yet /. hates Microsoft for having it's 'Monopoly'

Google gives them "free" shiny. And wow, do they sound like whiny little bitches when someone says anything bad about them.

If Google gives us free shinies, that means it's good for us. As a consumer, I will support Google because I get free shinies. What's wrong with that? The customer is happy.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 2) 183

Nah, I'm pretty much a barbarian when it comes to art. If you show me a printed reproduction and told me it's the real thing, I'd fall for it hook line and sinker. And so would, I suspect, the overwhelming majority of people who go to museums.

Same for sculptures etc. Do a double blind test to check if people can figure out which is the real and which is the fake and well over 99% of people would fail!

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 183

Why would you waste time looking at the real Mona Lisa when you've seen it everywhere since you were a kid? Do you think you'll discover something new? The only reason you physically go to such a place is to show others (or remind yourself) that you've gone there and stood in its presence. It has nothing to do with looking at the picture that you can anyway recognize easily.

Comment Re:Single Service, or open/data-portable? (Score 2) 150

True, both can go out of business. But it's my experience that single focus companies take more care of their product. I remember far too many abandoned Google services that just stopped receiving any love. Not that they lost users or anything...just abandoned.

Prime example: Feedburner. It's still hugely used by bloggers around the world. But the last update from Google was when? 5-6 years ago?

Comment Re:Things aren't supposed to live forever. (Score 5, Insightful) 150

Except that when you do it too often, you get a reputation as a company that you can't trust. I mean hell...even Google+ which was launched with more fanfare than ANY Google undertaking the past few years is now getting the step motherly treatment.

Google taught me one important lesson - when it comes to online services, choose companies that do ONE thing, and do it well. Don't use stuff from conglomorates that have their fingers in dozens of pies. That way, each service gets the attention it deserves, releases updates regularly, and never loses focus.

Ergo, I use Lastpass instead of Google Chrome's password manager, am trying to transition away from Google+, and don't want to use Google Keep. I now use Google for their mature products only - Gmail, Search, Android, and Chrome.

I lost all my Google Health data, my Google Wave data, my Google Buzz data, and my Google reader feeds (at least I could transition that one). Moral of the story: Stick to single service companies.

Submission + - Android One Users in India Mad at Google for Broken Promises (

bhagwad writes: The "Android One" initiative in India was launched with one purpose — to deliver the latest version of Android quickly to budget smartphones. However, with Lollipop being released way back in June 2014, Android One users still haven't gotten the latest update, whereas other manufacturers like Motorola, Xoom etc have managed to roll it out to their phones. So much for "approved hardware". A couple of days ago, Caesar Sengupta VP product management announced on Google+ that Lollipop would finally be coming to Android One devices. Far from placating the crowd, this announcement seems to have seriously pissed them off. Hell hath no fury like a customer scorned!

But this begs the question — what's the point of Google "approving" certain devices if it takes so long to bring out updates to them? Why are other manufacturers able to beat them to it? And most importantly, why promise fast updates when you're not going to be able to keep that promise?

Comment Re:Payment Gateway Access is No Accident (Score 1) 57

True. Money can be viewed in two ways - short term and long term. A company that wishes to maintain its reputation against any future revelations might decide to not cooperate simply because if it ever came to light it would be very bad for it - especially if there was no legal obligation to turn over the user data for a service specifically designed to protect privacy like a VPN!

But yeah - the govt. can simply block VPNs outside the country, and that would be that.

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