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Comment Re:Hork's been forked -- it's "borked"! (Score 1) 388

Strange example.

In the next season of "COPS": A young officer arrives on scene to investigate a 395 (alleged horking). Bad-Boys plays during the opening credits.

A grainy view of Doug and Bob can be seen on the dash-cam, staticky audio can just be overheard.

Officer: "Before this horking took place gentlemen would you be so kind to tell me why exactly had you removed all your clothes?"
Doug: "mmme .. dkj"
Officer: "Sorry Sir, I didn't understand that"
Bob: "sdk.. eh!"
Officer: "I did understand that Sir! However I will pretend I did not, and remind you that I am an agent of the law and what you propose is illegal in 12 states" ......

Comment Re:Same as 4th grade (Score 5, Funny) 613

Don't feel too bad there mate. Us TA's normally don't concern ourselves with deciphering handwriting anyway. Generally we mark assignments quickly between rounds at the pub, in reality your grade is based on a roll of a dice and two coin-flips not the content of your essay.

We always thought it was a great way to save time. Must admit the latest bank collapses has cast some doubt on this system though...

Comment Re:I wonder how we'd cope now? (Score 1) 290

Yes but modern people have better food storage, eat 3-4 times what is necessary for survival, discard 100s of calories out of habit and have fat-stocks that are much greater than prevoius generations. I mean if we had to eat boiled shoe out of desparation imagine the resources a modern city has tucked away :)

I would also debate the more-fragile transport chains. We in the "west" are so far from starvation we don't even know what it looks like, its just a boogyman our ancestors had to deal with. Did anyone in hurricane Katrina die of starvation?

Comment Re:One can only hope (Score 1) 290

This is not a case of a brave few denialists with nothing but their wits being cornered and forced to fight the good fight:

Mineral Extraction Industry + Oil Extraction Industry + Auto/Aero/shipping Industries + Fossil Fuel Energy Sector + Agriculture & Forestry Sectors + The populations general apathy and inertia against change


any feasable Global Warming Industry (I mean where the F*** do these guys make their profits)

The problem with every generation is that they think they are unique.

When talking about human things like "sexual freedoms", "the corruption of those who lead" or the "rudness of youth" your right. But when considering environmental destruction, species loss, population growth or technological change and sheer ability of man then for the last 500 years each generation really has been unique. And in that uniqueness we will stumble, sometimes doing good sometimes bad.

Despite all our current problems and those we try to predict for the future, unless your of blue-blood most people look back at history and are thankful for the state of today. When we worry about the future we meerly wish to maintain or improve on this situation IMHO. Although there will also always be doomsayers.

Comment Re:Bring back the Frost fairs. (Score 1) 290

And yet London and its surrounds hardly ever get any snow anymore - witness how unprepared they were for the 5cm they got this year. I don't think river speed can be the only cause.

The climate in England has changed since 1500's, as it did between 1500 and 1000. This is what happens naturally to some extent, the question is what extent. We are currently in a period of warmth for the better, the reasons behind this are debatable (and may have more than one cause).

Comment Re:Here's an idea (Score 1) 1108

Conservation "just happens" only if current markets result in a prices that accurately reflect the short and long-term costs of each input (as well as associated health costs and final product disposal).

Current environmentalism (of the non knee-jerk variety) is based around the concern that these conditions are not always being met.

As an example, for historical reasons American car manufacturers generaly produce bigger cars than those of the rest of the world. Despite multiple generations of new models coming onto the market it's obvious price alone hasn't sufficiently been a factor in promoting conservatoin within the US-auto industry. Not sure why.

Comment Re:Wind? (Score 1) 1108

FIRE = conversion of sugars/lipids --> CO2

So I would say life survives on this reaction on grand scale. They just do it efficiently and without generating masses of waste heat.

Someone mentioned geothermal as a source - perhaps you could also argue that thermal-vent communities rely on this?

Agree that grandparent is totally off though. Hydro is another unutilised example, entire countries run on this source yet no lifeform sits in fast-flowing streams with a mini-turbine generating food. Not sure why

Comment Re:Just Like When He Led Microsoft (Score 1) 841

Large parts of England and Europe used to be malaria ridden, as did parts of america. While personal hygine isn't 100% preventative of disease, at a socital level hygiene is a major factor. Chlorea, leprosy, malaria, the plague, all are included in Western history. Apart from river blindness, sleeping sickness, dengue fever and yellow fever we've known most tropic diseases at home, and we had a few the tropics never knew.

It is not that the "tropics" are more disease prone or harder to build a society in than elsewhere. It is merely that for historical reasons (or luck) the current sucessful branches of modern society have invested more effort in solving "non-tropical" diseases - now the world need to broadern that umbrella.

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