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Comment Re:Will any investors care? (Score 5, Insightful) 1239

A lot do look up the ratings. Institutional investors (aka the 401k investors spending billions on your and my behalf) are required by law to only buy AAA rated investments. So now there will be a lot of them scrambling to find another investment to put their billions into so that they don't go to jail.

Comment shop (Score 1) 74

Some of those look really good, like uncanny valley good. But when you get to the last few and especially the second to last one a few look shopped, not printed.

Now I would love to see this kind of tech become so cheap that it was available at any mall. Most of the 3d printers I see don't offer that kind of fine grain resolution. I would love to be able to build something that detailed on my computer and then go have it printed out without having to spend 10s of thousands of yen.

Comment Re:AZ isn't anti-immigrant (Score 1) 835

There was a case where a guy was imprisoned in...either Arizona or New Mexico. For months. He was forced to work for $1/day to earn the money to purchase a copy of his birth certificate from the federal government to prove he was a legal citizen.[citation needed]

Last time I checked the Federal Government had no ability to sell you a copy of your birth certificate. That is a state issue.

Comment Re:research (Score 1) 205

It is a big deal. I am a little taken aback that people on slashdot don't seem to grasp the Ig Noble. It isn't a bad science award. It is, as their site says:
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology.

Comment False Positives. (Score 3, Interesting) 96

They found all 22 out of 1000 but the article doesn't tell us how many they declined to tell us how many false positives they got. Which, in my book, makes this story useless for science but serve a use as a PR use. "Those crazy zionists have mice that can detect bombs!"
Also the story doesn't mention anything about the process or methods. Are the mice running free? Trapped in a box? Is the mouse live or dead? Is it live or dead in a box? Does it use smell or does it turn colors?

Sure some of that is joking but this article really doesn't say much and leaves a lot to speculation.

Comment paradolia (Score 1) 99

This is obiously a message from pac-man that he wants us to be reminded of his eternal love. If every Jesus shapped food item has this kind of meating then that is the only conclusion I can draw.

Comment Re:the more attention you give morons... (Score 1) 574

While a double blind test of the plaintiff would be ideal it can't be done without the consent of the plaintiff because you can't force someone to testify against themselves.
What we need is a good double blind study but the problem is that no one wants to spend that kind of money funding something that has been informally tested over and over again with consistent results.

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