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Comment Re:ehh (Score -1, Offtopic) 672

I've had several laptops and to be brutally honest, the best Windows based laptop I've found is... My Macbook. Seriously, I've not had Windows run as well on any dedicated PC laptop. And of course you can nuke OSX and put anything you want on there really as it is, essentially, a PC. Yes it's a bit pricey but build quality, stability... The thing kicks the ass of the other laptops. (And in one case the Macbook cost LESS than the PC laptop I replaced it with.)

This is the basic white Macbook. Bottom of the range, which was better than my mid to high range previous HP.

Comment Re:Waste MORE time!? (Score 3, Insightful) 1073

Quality of education is important, not quantity.

And the education secretary might want to get their facts right.

From that article:

There is a homespun myth, treated as fact, that the annual school calendar, with three months off for both teachers and students, is based on the rhythm of 19th-century farm life, which dictated when school was in session. Thus, planting and harvesting chores accounted for long summer breaks, an artifact of agrarian America. Not so.

Actually, summer vacations grew out of early 20th-century urban middle-class parents (and later lobbyists for camps and the tourist industry) pressing school boards to release children to be with their families for four to eight weeks or more.

Comment Re:First post... (Score 2, Insightful) 830

It's a great video. I found it oddly relaxing. Also, watch the clock on the oven. The time leaps all over the place on it.

They didn't even have the sense to shoot without a clock there to show that one will ask a question, then the answer will be from seven minute prior, then we leap back two hours etc...

Just absolutely absurd.

Comment Re:Why do we sleep? (Score 1) 164

This is yet another worthless study given credence by being run on Slashdot. Like the one about how sugar is going to kill us. And obesity causes alzheimers, a study done on less people than attend your average wedding. And how gamers aren't adolescents. You know, the study that only looked at results in people over 19.

It's another example of preconceptual science. They decide the conclusion they want, then discard all the evidence that contradicts it.

Comment Re:biotech rocks (Score 1) 197

Yeah, I know. It's just really exciting. I am genuinely colour blind and the possibility of seeing PROPER colours, like everyone else, is really exciting.

Of course ultimately pointless. I can genuinely say my colour blindness has never caused me any problems. It's limited my job choices a couple of times, but that was minor really.

Still, sure would be cool to see stuff properly. I mean grass is green, I know that. But what I see as green is vastly different to what other people see.

Be nice to see what grass really looks like.

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