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Comment Re:It was all about the trackball... (Score 1) 29

Even if it doesn't directly support trackballs, there's a workaround if you don't mind a little crafting. Companies like Groovy Game Gear and Ultimarc (probably others too) sell trackballs for use in arcade cabinets and similar MAME projects. Essentially they are visible to Windows as a USB mouse, and work rather well with MAME trackball games. Would probably work fine for this one too.

Comment Re:Have to give it a look then, (Score 1) 217

There's quite a few distros, each with different UI's to varying degrees. Derivative perhaps, but that's because overall the concepts work; there's not much reason to make radical changes to something that works and people are used to. Indeed trying to make radical changes is what really made Windows 8 so awful, if they had just kept things more or less looking and working like Windows 7 it wouldn't have been too bad.

Comment Re:Pull up stumps (Score 1) 451

The interest only loan baffles people like me, as we don't see the logic in such a thing.

The monthly payments are lower; in some cases, much lower. Some people see that as a way to get more/better house for the same monthly payment. It's a bad idea, but that's the thinking I believe...

Comment Re:Questionable Themes (Score 1) 194

At least it can still be disabled, search for proton in about:config

For now...don't these initially configurable changes have a habit of becoming permanent after a few releases?

I like Firefox and still use Firefox Developer Edition as my preferred browser, but still hate all of these UI changes that keep appearing...I just don't get it.

Comment Re:I'd rather see... (Score 1) 47

If that process would preserve my apps and data (either by including the Linux equivalent, or including wine to run Windows only apps), I would actually like this feature! I have a few Windows laptops I want to convert but haven't largely because I'm lazy and wiping one os and installing the next will take a while; automate that and I'm in!

Comment Re:Bidets! (Score 1) 175

Not possible for a lot of people; my bathroom barely has room for the toilet and absolutely no room for anything else. The only possible way I could install a bidet would involve destroying and rebuilding a wall to expand the bathroom size. This would be an expense well beyond my budget and then I have a bedroom that is probably now too small for anything other than a closet. I'm guessing same for almost every house in the neighborhood, they were all built in the 50's and have extremely small bathrooms (unless someone has already remodeled). Similarly, when I lived in an apartment it wasn't my choice; not only did the small bathroom not allow any additional fixtures, I didn't own the place and couldn't just install what I wanted!

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 1) 251

You can still buy with TD Ameritrade though; their statement on the issue is as follows:

We have placed some restrictions on the following securities. These restrictions will not prevent clients from making basic buy and sell transactions. This list is as of January 29, 2021, 1:30PM ET.


The following restrictions are in place:

  • Stocks - 100% holding requirement (not marginable)
  • Long calls and puts are allowed, with the exception of options expiring today (1/29)
  • Covered call and short put orders may only be placed with a broker. Please be aware that wait times to speak with a broker may be
  • longer than normal due to current market conditions.
  • Covered calls only allowed if your account currently has the shares
  • Short puts only if you have the maintenance/cash to cover the entire exercise amount of the short puts
  • All other complex options orders will not be accepted
  • We may also implement additional restrictions on the opening of option trades that expire Friday, January 29th
  • Please keep in mind that this list is not inclusive of every security restriction and may change at any time.

Comment Re:I'm not surprised it's shutting down (Score 3, Interesting) 163

It would be interesting to understand why people like you believe the things they do.

I'm guessing based on some family members who are big fans of Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, and similar. They frequently tout the following: do you know bad government is, and do you really want a government controlling your health care? How will prices go down without free market competition? Medicare doesn't work and is insolvent, how will the country survive if that's all there is? and so on...I hear that constantly from my family. Fox News is popular, I think maybe even the most popular news source in the country, and lots of people now pick up that view they so often convey. Years of "Socialism is Bad!" messaging along with outright wrong information on the actual pros and cons of other countries systems have made health care basically impossible to solve in the US.

Comment Apps? Really? (Score 1) 49

Google’s thesis is that the mobile-web is dying and people prefer to use apps – therefore making the web faster and more app-like will retain users.

Do people really prefer to use apps? Or is it all of those incredibly annoying sites that are trying to push the app with popups and people just give up and click the download/use the app button and move on with life?

Comment Re:Supreme Court just blocked vote counting in WI (Score 2) 351

Guess what? My blue state, Massachusetts, also doesn't count ballots that arrive after Election Day. They made it very clear that they don't care what the postmark is - if mail-in ballots are not in the hands of election officials when the polls close, they won't count.

Yet no one cares when a blue state does it.

where did they make this clear? From what I found they will count ballots received up to Nov. 6, three days after Election Day.

As long as your ballot is postmarked for Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 3 and received by Friday, Nov. 6, your ballot will be counted. This was not the case for the state primary.


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