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Comment Re:Move the firewall inwards (Score 1) 130

That's exactly how our network is organized now. We treat the users as if we were just an ISP getting them internet access. They can only reach server/ports that are publicly available. Anything else requires a client VPN; we're really stingy giving that access out. It's easy to revoke, and I don't have to care if they move around from office to office.

Believing You Are Very Good Or Evil Boosts Your Physical Capabilities 192

Research by Kurt Gray, a doctoral student in psychology at Harvard, shows that a person's capacity for willpower and physical endurance increases if they perceive themselves as good or evil. "Evil" acts in particular give a person a large boost in physical strength. From the article: “'People perceive those who do good and evil to have more efficacy, more willpower, and less sensitivity to discomfort,' Gray said. 'By perceiving themselves as good or evil, people embody these perceptions, actually becoming more capable of physical endurance.' Gray’s findings run counter to the notion that only those blessed with heightened willpower or self-control are capable of heroism, suggesting instead that simply attempting heroic deeds can confer personal power."

Comment Re:Not your home network? No right to complain (Score 2, Insightful) 308

I've never understood system/network administrators that get a thrill out of restricting what users can do outside of preventing operational difficulties. I could care less what users do unless they're disrupting service in some way or another. The network is not the right place to enforce human behavior.

Comment Re:Not your home network? No right to complain (Score 5, Informative) 308

On a publicly funded school campus, second amendment rights apply. In California in particular, privacy laws apply. I work on a CSU campus as a network analyst. We are not permitted to keep any logs that can link any individual user to any particular destination ip address. We are not permitted to keep outbound firewall logs or any inbound logs that relate to outbound state initiation. We are certainly not permitted to intercept or block encrypted communications in anyway that would otherwise normally be allowed. This applies equally to staff, faculty and students.

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