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Comment Re:Come to the USA! (Score 2, Interesting) 1359

As someone who is kind of militantly for less government and taxation (libertarian???), I agree with your post. I think a lot of these people just think the US is worse than it is just because they haven't been elsewhere.

#2 is right... but in a bad way. Both parties are no different in the scheme of things and continue to run their scams alongside of their owners/lobbyists.

I will add two more points:

#6: The US is huge and has a lot of fertile, sparsely populated land. If worse comes to worse, if you can't find freedom from government, you could theoretically get freedom away from it. Theoretically, though.

#7: Chicks love guys with accents, and that's no secret. You can be the mysterious British gent and you can take any girl you want home who will think you're James Bond.

Comment Why are people so difficult? (Score 4, Insightful) 572

The irony of this is, twofold: One, this is the administration that that had added a huge increase to tobacco taxes, and these people think that the government is actually going to legalize marijuana? Hah hah hah! Good one.

Two, it's just sad that our country's main concern is legalizing some drug that's major benefit is to get people high. While marijuana has a lot of medical uses, and banning it is pointless, it's just pathetic that nobody cares about inflation, an overzealous foreign policy, the sick demented system of child "protection" services ruined to scam parents and ruin the family, the court system being a guilty-until-proven-innocent fiasco where the court orders you to prove your innocence and you have to pay for court costs, drugs tests, psych exams, and etc. to prove your innocence, and freedom from censorship. Nope, us Americans gotta have our weed! Gotta get high so we won't have any other problems to worry about, just pretend they don't exist with a nice pipe in front of us.

I guess there is also a third point of irony: Weed stupifies you, you'd think the government would favor deregulating it so they could tax it to the sky's limit and get more money off of you that way, while having a bunch of people too high to care about the other rights the government keeps taking away.

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