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Comment Re:Yeah Right (Score 1) 542

AFAIK, none.

There's a lot of "privileges" that blacks get, though; and some of those can actually be detrimental. For example, black students are more likely to get the "privilege" of getting remidial classes, even if they don't need them (and would be better off in regular, or even advanced, classes).

Comment Re:My theory (Score 5, Interesting) 1010

MIcrosoft doesn't want to fix their UI. They want to train users in their touch UI.

The tablet space is an attractive market, and Microsoft wants to use their power on the desktop to win the tablet war.

This won't win them any friends in corporate IT, but corporate IT is so tied to Microsoft that they could release the next version with MS Bob as the interface, and businesses would still be forced to buy it when they upgrade. The only reason corporate IT is slow to upgrade now is that XP (and now Windows 7) is good enough, and corporate upgrade cycles are slow. Businesses skipped Vista, and went with 7. They'll skip 8 no matter what. When they are ready to upgrade again, Microsoft can just release a "Pro" version which enables a "classic" interface, and leave regular consumers with an interface that trains them to use MS tablets.

Comment Re:"Education" is itself flawed (Score 1) 126

While there's lots of good self-taught musicians, generally educated musicians are better. The same is true for lots of things. People *can* teach themselves, but only if the skill is very easy, or they are hell-bent on learning.

Comment Re:And people wonder why the US is going broke... (Score 1) 728

Look at what similar jobs in the area are offering. Then email someone (via linked-in, or a search of the org's website) who's not advertising a position, so they only have 1 resume in front of them. There's a 20% chance that there's a position opening up, but it hasn't gone to HR yet (ass-pull statistic), and it's quite likely that the manager will forego dealing with 200+ mostly useless applicants if they have one solid candidate so you'll get the job with not other competitors.

Comment Re:Brain work can be done anywhere in the world (Score 1) 231

No, it's a good point (if a little ... mercenary).

Illegal aliens don't pay many taxes, rent expensive apartments, buy expensive food, or buy expensive food; because most of them are poor. High skilled immigrants pay lots of taxes, and blow lots of money on expensive things (like hiring maids, dining out, etc). Murica would rather have badly educated kids who are there to serve highly paid immigrants than well educated kids who make money which they can use to pay low-skilled immigrants.

You *could* educated American kids better, but that's a states issue (not a federal one like immigration). OK, the federal government has tried to fix education (with No Child Left Behind), but ... maybe it would be better if they found something else to wreck.

Comment Re:Is the same true for the Nexus 4? (Score 2) 413

> But haven't Windows tablets been available since the early 90s? What does the Surface bring to the table if you leave out the Metro part? Why would this be more successful then the preceding Windows 7 tablets?

More touch-screen friendly. Cheap (compared to most tablets in the past). Powerful. Good industrial design.

Comment Re:Is the same true for the Nexus 4? (Score 1) 413

> It's running Win8, which means 90% or corporate IT shops are going to eye it with tremendous suspicion, if not outright hostility, and unless your job title is a TLA starting with "C" and end with "O", odds are you're not even going to get a Surface Pro through the door.

Win8 has a few UI "issues", most of which become benefits when it's on a touch screen device. It still runs virtually all apps fine. There's no real reason to upgrade, and a slight cost of helping users find the login screen, shutdown screen, and desktop; but it's no biggie.

If users *want* a Surface, there's no reason why corporate IT would really care. It's not really hard to support it if.

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