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Comment Re:An (im)Modest Proposal (Score 5, Insightful) 388

Unfortunately your opinion does not qualify you to dictate what is and is not morally or ethically acceptable behavior (neither does your political affiliation, nor having or not having a uterus, but then again, with simplistic reasoning such as yours, I'm not surprised you've resorted to chauvinism). Saying "it's science" or "it's progress" doesn't answer the question of whether it *SHOULD* be done... Throughout history there have been countless examples of clearly ethically dubious behavior and even blatant atrocities in an attempt to illicit some scientific "advancement" of one form or another. You don't want to debate the morality of the destruction of embryos. You want to castigate anyone who disagrees with you and frame them as somehow anti-Science. It's asinine and you (should) know it.

FBI Prioritizes Copyright Over Missing Persons 372

An anonymous reader writes "The FBI has limited resources, so it needs to prioritize what it works on. However, it's difficult to see why dealing with copyright infringement seems to get more attention than identity theft or missing persons. In the past year, the FBI has announced a special new task force to fight intellectual property infringement, but recent reports have shown that both identity theft and missing persons have been downgraded as priorities by the FBI, to the point that there are a backlog of such cases."

VideoLAN Announces libaacs 105

supersloshy writes "VideoLAN, makers of the well-known media player VLC, have just announced a new project called libaacs. The libaacs library's intention is to provide a free software library to implement the AACS specification, the copy-protection found on things such as Blu-ray discs. Note that this isn't meant to actually be a decoding library. It includes no AACS keys and is solely developed for research purposes."

Polar Flares To Be Visible Tonight 88

ideaMUX writes "NASA's solar dynamics observatory recently detected an M-class flare hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. The CME is not fully directed toward Earth, but some of the plasma cloud may be visible in the magnetosphere tonight, causing a geomagnetic disturbance and possible aurora. NASA said M-class flares are medium-sized, and can cause brief radio blackouts that affect Earth's Polar regions. Minor radiation storms sometimes follow M-class flares."

Comment Re:Clearly a sign of AGW (Score 1) 323

Your analogy is erroneous in that there is no such thing as "normal" weather or "normal" climate. Human body temperatures don't fluctuate noticeably unless there is a problem (to which you allude). The same cannot be said for weather or climate. By the way: "proxy data" is laughable. I'll just leave it at that.

CoD: Black Ops To Get Dedicated Game Servers 69

roh2cool writes "The seventh Call of Duty game is being planned, and it has been dubbed Call of Duty: Black Ops. This game will be developed by Treyarch instead of Infinity Ward. Mark Lamia, Treyarch studio head, confirmed with CVG that in CoD: Black Ops, players will get dedicated game servers for the PC version of the game. Finally, PC gamers will get a chance to rejoice."

Shuttle Reentry Over the Continental US 139

TheOtherChimeraTwin notes that the shuttle Discovery will land at Kennedy Space Center on Monday morning at 8:48 EDT. The craft will make a rare "descending node" overflight of the continental US en route to landing in Florida. Here are maps of the shuttle's path if is lands on orbit 222 as planned, or on the next orbit. says: " takes the shuttle about 35 minutes to traverse the path shown... Observers in the northwestern USA will see the shuttle shortly after 5 am PDT blazing like a meteoric fireball through the dawn sky. As Discovery makes its way east, it will enter daylight and fade into the bright blue background. If you can't see the shuttle, however, you might be able to hear it. The shuttle produces a sonic double-boom that reaches the ground about a minute and a half after passing overhead."

Comment Stick with Python or Java (Score 1) 407

If you have students just beginning, the most important thing you can do to help them is to introduce them to a language/framework they can tinker with themselves. C and C++ can be problematic if the students run Windows at home. Be honest. If the students have as little experience as you say, the students will get far more benefit from becoming familiar with a language they can use at home, on the weekends, or whenever they feel like tinkering than they will being shoehorned into using C to fit under a competition's "CPU limit". Disclaimer: I have no personal experience with VB or Pascal, so I didn't comment on them.

Comment Re:"Non-Deterministic" (Score 1) 421

You are mistaken. By "single solution" they are not referring to a "solution" to the problem, but a "solution" to the problem of calculating the solution. That is, the class of problems are related in such a way that an efficient algorithm for one is an efficient algorithm for all (because each problem can be decomposed in polynomial time time into "sister" problems of the same class).

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