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Comment The FCC Does Understand It (Score 2) 170

"It is important to understand that the FCC's proposed order is based on a flawed and factually inaccurate understanding of Internet technology,"

This is very incorrect. The FCC understands that, without net neutrality, internet technology will lock in far more profits for Comcast and their allies. That's the only thing that they care about.

All their verbiage that people are decrying as incorrect is nothing more than FUD to justify a decision that has nothing to do with technology, or what's best for the majority of people, or anything else besides increasing and, more to the point, ensuring profits for the big guys for years to come.

Comment Re:Over/Misuse of Links (Score 1) 92

"Even CNN readers know how to use wikipedia."

True, but the link makes it significantly more convenient to find the material by using a single click rather than having to highlight the word, right click, and select "Search Google For...", or copy the material to a new browser window and search for it there.

Ask Amazon about how important being able to complete an action in one click is to the user experience and having people complete transactions.

Comment Get a PhD (Score 1) 212

I work with a lot of PhD's, and it appears that if you get one of those, you immediately know everything about everything.

I had a PhD, who had just come back from a 2-day "Scientist to Sea" underway, tell me that I really didn't understand how standing watch worked on a ship, despite my having spent eight years on sea duty in the Navy, but she would be glad to "PhD-splain" it to me.

Comment Really Improvements??? (Score 1) 388

My best guess is that most of the people don't like your ideas because they don't think your suggestions would improve the product, not any innate refusal to change.

Think about how many times one of your favorite apps has changed its interface in a way you thought sucked. Do you really think the designers said, "Hey, we've got a great interface, let's make it worse?" No, just like you, they thought their changes would improve it, but they didn't.

A favorite example was when Google removed the Pegman from Maps, making using Streetview almost impossible.

Comment Heinlein Once Again Predicts the Future (Score 1) 373

At the end of "Methuselah's Children," after the long-lived Howard Families return to Earth after escaping a lynching, they discover that Earth discovered the fresh blood rejuvenated people. Once they knew this, they had a crash research program to create fresh blood to allow everyone to live well into their hundreds.

Comment Re:Stargate Lesson (Score 2) 304

if you can find it, the ACM SIGGRAPH's "Story of Computer Graphics" ( from 2000 credits 1982's "Tron" as being the first film with significant computer graphics. There is a lot of discussion from people who worked on the CGI about how they did it.

However, to a man, they all said that they walked out of the theater saying, "Meh." They realized that the effects can't make the movie, there has to be something more.

Comment How Many AIs Can Fit on the Head of a Pin??? (Score 1) 364

This is one of those completely idiotic "thought experiments" that philosophers are so fond of.

I've been driving for 46 years now (I started early, but am still old) and have probably driven well over half a million miles. I have NEVER had to make a decision, "Do I kill myself or swerve and kill ten innocents?"

Almost nearly everyone on /. drives, and I don't even begin to guess the number of miles driven by this audience: has anyone here ever had to make such a decision? Has anyone even heard of such a decision occurring in the real world? For fighter pilots maybe this is a real concern - the Great Santini and the recent Blue Angel who died (as well as others) supposedly stayed with their aircraft to minimize civilian casualties on the ground. But driving a car???

It's about as smart as worrying about what the AI does in the event of a Martian invasion.

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