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Comment Re:Too late probably, but... (Score 2, Insightful) 327

That's the real issue. Why were there no robust contingency plans for an oil spill in place before off-shore drilling began? How were oil companies even given permission to drill before they demonstrated reliable containment and recovery plans with the necessary materials/products already stockpiled? The risk of spillage has always been a hot topic with offshore drilling. It's bullshit that solutions to the problem are only being worked on after the fact.

Comment Re:So rich persons get an edge? (Score 1) 138

The disparity of skills is a reoccurring issue in games that cater to both casual and hardcore gamers. Not only do hardcore gamers have the advantage of having spent more time earning those leet rewards, but have also honed their skills more in that time. In games were skill matters and there is no way to segregate the skilled from the less-skilled (e.g., ranked games), people complain. It really is no different than complaining about paying for better gear. "I have to work and don't have time to commit 8 hours a day to playing this game... it's no fair that I have to compete against these people!"

Comment Re:Thanks you... (Score 1) 467

Consumer HP products always come laden with ugly, slow, intrusive bloatware under the guise of enhancing user experience. Even their basic printer/scanner software has the tendency to crash and clog up your computer memory. The HP tablet will be about as attractive (and as useful) as the advertisement pullout from a newspaper.

Comment Re:Legal "satire" vs. literary "satire"? (Score 1) 286

Vonnegut, Twain, and Swift wrote satire, but if their satirical works used copyrighted material from other people, they would be infringing the copyright. Those authors, to my knowledge, did not use any pre-existing copyrighted works to write their famous satires. Satire is fine - it just isn't an excuse to ignore copyright.

Comment Re:It was leaked. (Score 1) 973

*Warning: Car Analogy*

Just because one car in the lot is full of explosives doesn't mean the keys to all the cars in the lot should be handed over.

Besides, if the encryption key was publicized, the government would just begin re-encrypting all the sensitive data with a new key.

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