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Comment Re:and the saddest thing (Score 1) 804

This is a fundamentally immature, grade-school bully's way of thinking. "I have to make sure I look tough, otherwise everyone will beat me up." It's the attempt to look tough all the time that puts others off and makes enemies all over the planet.

How about trying to look civilized? Is that nearly as important? How about looking reasonable or intelligent? Nope, it's all about looking tough...which is exactly why the actual civilized countries (you know...the ones that have existed long enough to know "looking tough" isn't nearly as important as, say, having a functional infrastructure) can't take us seriously no matter how much we puff ourselves up. No one cares. War is a stupid way and simplistic way of trying to solve complex social, economic, and philosophical problems. It's just like the bully beating up the nerd for "talking smart" to him. Sure the bully will win on the physical level in that moment...but that was never really the level that counted, and the nerd will have the last laugh as he makes sure to order his fries "fresh and piping hot" from the bully a few years later.

And so we destroy ourselves and the great American experiment comes to an end less than three centuries later. The bully of the world flails and screams while no one takes it seriously and the world moves on. We can't solve our problems with infrastructure, the economy, the government...hell, we can't even deal with diversity in our own citizenry. The white and entitled get more and more anxious every year as it looks like their privilege is getting challenged. We can't balance the budget, half the population doesn't believe in basic science, can't do math, and can barely read. But we can kick ass! We have the biggest, baddest weapons and a fighting force second to none! It doesn't matter that we're stupid, barbaric, brutes...we can kick their ass! Yeah! America! America! America!

The whole time the EU, Canada, and the rest of the First World is hiding their smile and shaking their heads to each other, like the adults at a family reunion while the drunk, belligerent, mildly retarded country cousin keeps wandering around, shoving people, and demanding "What?! What?! Wanna fight about it?!? Huh?! Huh?! I'm not a paper tiger! I'm tough, I'm tough, see?!? SEE?!?!"

Comment Re:fuck the usa (Score 2) 804

I think you are either misunderstanding or are being purposely obtuse. The poster is basically saying the US is morally equivalent to that fascist (why the capital?) dictatorship ruled over by a mass-murdering psychopath. Except it's ruled over by a whole lot of mass-murdering psychopaths. The very fact that you completely ignore the point involving Iraqi civilians killed by US soldiers in a war we started to "liberate" a people who never asked for our help or interference pretty much proves their point.

Your opinions of other country's governments shouldn't get to dictate their governments. To say that the US is somehow special, that out of all the world, the US has the right to dictate terms to other countries about how they govern, is nothing but jingoism and crass exceptionalism. It just doesn't pass the straight-face test. We are not special, we are not different, the rules aren't different for us.

Do you think it would be just fine for, say, the EU to "liberate" the US citizens from their corporate and governmental masters? There are plenty of people in this country who hate and despise the current regime, just like the Iraqis who "cheer" us for coming and bombing their homes. I, for one, would welcome it, I'm a US citizen, isn't that equivalent to the Iraqis who are "happy" the US came and got rid of Saddam? Why would it be different? US authorities torture, murder, and ignore the law to get what they want, and there is a partnership between the government and corporations...that sounds pretty fascist (by the actual definition of fascism, written by the person who started the movement, Mussolini) to me. Why shouldn't other countries come and "liberate" us?

You complain about moral relativism...what else is it when you think we're special, that the US has special rights and privileges that no other nation has? If you want actual moral absolutism, you have to judge your own country by the same rules you judge others, and what you say is good and right to do to others must apply equally to the US. If it is acceptable for the US to attack and displace another nation's government because we don't agree with it, then it is acceptable for other countries to do it to us. And don't cry "But we're America, we're the good guys. They don't have any REAL reason to liberate us because we're RIGHT". Every country thinks they are right. Every form of government claims it's the right one.

Of course, you can just choose to roll with your jingoism and say "But the US is REALLY right." I don't know how you would justify that, other than on the basis of it being your "team", but Americans have historically always been really good at moralizing at others while having just as dubious a moral standing as anyone else, so good luck with that.

Comment I'm a little confused... (Score 1) 43

I download stuff from Oracle all the time. What were they downloading that makes them evil wrong and bad?

And yes, I did read the linked articles. All it says was they downloaded software and docs as part of offering support to their clients. Like I said, I do that all the time. What were they downloading that makes it illegal?

Comment Re:Not replacing, just adding on top (Score 1) 331

That happened a long time ago. This at least concedes that human minds are incapable of (or unwilling to) deal with that level of complexity, so we are going to use machines to deal with it. It's honest, and it might even work for a while, further avoiding the inevitable consequences of our economic system. That's all we can really hope for. Nothing can save an economy that doesn't really make anything, yet uses more resources than anyone else.

Comment Re:Not replacing, just adding on top (Score 1) 331

It's not replacing humans, it just improves profit making for those who want to trade. It's only one part of stock exchanges. That's fine too - if you can come up with an advanced algorithm that nets you profit, sure use it. Everyone on slashdot would.

It's not replacing humans yet. And that's fine. When it does, investors will simply move to a higher level of abstraction and a new level of economic engagement will come into being. Larger, more subtle patterns will become apparent and we will simply have a new game to play.


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