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Comment Environmental Tipping Point? Slash taxes! (Score 1) 583

I've been waiting for someone to address the serious shit we're all about to find ourselves in, and I'm glad Obama did it. I'm shocked and appalled at the stupidity that's been modded up in this thread. Here we have slashdotters focusing more on government spending like a bunch of nutters instead of the fact that we're on the cusp of an environmental tipping point. What happened slashdot? When'd you get so short sighted?

Comment Re:Throw 'em out! (Score 1) 108

Anything you do between elections to influence members of the parliament is lobbying. Do you really want to get rid of that?

Um, when that lobbying is for the benefit of a single multinational corporation instead of the greater good of the people served by the legislature - then yes, I absolutely want to get rid of that.


LibreOffice 4 Released 249

Titus Andronicus writes "LibreOffice 4.0.0 has been released. Some of the changes are for developers: an improved API, a new graphics stack, migrating German code comments to English, and moving from Apache 2.0 to LGPLv3 & MPLv2. Some user-facing changes are: better interoperability with other software, some functional & UI improvements, and some performance gains."

Comment Brain wiring, code design, and elven mages (Score 1) 683

It depends upon the person of course, however if he's not able to learn from the feedback you're giving him it's possible that his brain might not be wired that way. In my experience (as a lead developer and lead architect) I've found developers usually sit somewhere on the spectrum between implementationists (nuts and bolts programmers) and designers (big picture programmers); and every now and then you get someone who is just so far to one end or the other it's hard for them to see, for instance, why code needs to be elegant when it's already working (or vice versa why sometimes the performance cost of a perfect design doesn't pan out).

If you think this might be the case, it doesn't mean he needs to be fired or kicked off the team though. You just have to focus on using his abilities where he's strongest (e.g. low level code, or when you need to *get the job done now, future consequences be damned*). There will be times when something that seems obvious just isn't going to make sense to someone else, and in those instances I find it's best to think of the each team member the way I might when playing an rpg; while a dwarven warrior won't have the finesse of an elven mage, sometimes it's just the kind of character you need. :-)

Comment Which is why I'm not an early adopter! (Score 2) 1110

Seriously, there's a lot that's broken about Windows 8 right now, but I'm willing to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt long term. I'm certainly not going to upgrade until they've fixed a lot of their poor UX decisions, but I'm pretty sure they'll figure it out by the next version. Microsoft "Window" is a very apt analogy at the moment, but I'm putting my money on this being a success long term.

Comment IMO None. (Score 5, Insightful) 333

I was a "Senior Software Engineer" before I got a promotion, now I'm a "Lead Developer". Aside from providing guidance to other engineers I still do the same job. Personally, I wanted my new title to be "Mr. Manager" instead, but no one seemed to like that idea :(. Seriously, I've worked in states where it's illegal to give someone without an engineering degree the title "Engineer", but I've worked with engineers who didn't finish college and found them every bit as good (sometimes much better) than the ones who didn't.

Comment Cleveland Hts Publics Schools Here (Score 2) 632

Our highschool here runs the small schools program, and my son is enrolled in the liberal arts school. It's his freshman year, and IMO our tech curriculum is pretty kick-ass. Not only did he cover the basics of computers, technology, and programming in middle school already - but for the next four years he's able to take game development classes focusing on Unity. Way, way better than what we were rocking in the PC Jr. days when my gym teacher and my computer teacher had about the same technical skill set.

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