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Comment Re:This gives the impression that 2.6.40 is more (Score 1) 378

This gives the impression that 2.6.40 is more than an incremental update. But 2.6.40 is an incremental update, so IMHO it should have stayed 2.6.40. Renaming it to 3.0 is just so random.

Try comparing the 2.0 kernel to the 3.0.0-rc1 kernel and then tell me again there's no justification for a major version bump.

Comment Re:Both? (Score 2) 266

.. and that is the problem. Instead of that bullshit flame wars between distros, why not just concentrate on making the whole system better for user. Imagine how childish it would be if Microsoft and Apple did that.

Don't you mean bullshit flame wars between _users_?

Congrats on the new release, Ubuntu!

Comment isn't this is an old idea? (Score 3, Interesting) 431

I remember advertisements in magazines in the years before Tasers for a magic-sounding non-lethal weapon that would instantly incapacitate an attacker. The ads were vague about how the device worked, but I recall hearing (reading?) somewhere that it was a super-bright flashlight. Perhaps a strobe.

Maybe the difference is that it's effective this time.

Comment Re:prior art? (Score 1) 128

I'd wonder how many zillions of examples of "prior art" we can dig up for something that is basically keeping a list of alternative protocols/routes, and selecting one of them.

Unfortunately, as of about a week ago, USPTO will no longer consider prior art as one of the tests of "obviousness" when deciding the validity of a patent claim. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not.

Comment Re:Fermenting in space? (Score 1) 113

Keep in mind you're just removing the dissolved oxygen, not atmospheric oxygen, so it's not like you're taking it out of the air tanks. If you could find a way to extract that prior the the fermentation process, it could even be a net gain.

You need that initial dissolved oxygen, as the aerobic phase is when the yeast cells multiply. Without it, you're liable to get a stuck batch.

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