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Submission + - Intel Core 2 "Penryn" and Linux (

LHoAugustus writes: "Linux Hardware has posted a look at the new Intel "Penryn" processor and how the new processor will work with Linux. "Intel recently released the new "Penryn" Core 2 processor with many new features. So what are these features and how will they equate into benefits to Linux users? That's what Linux Hardware is here to unravel. In this review I'll cover all the high points of the new "Penryn" core and talk to a couple Linux projects about the impact on end-user performance.""
Linux Business

Submission + - Wal-Marts Check Linux PC's (

olddotter writes: Wal-Mart started selling $199 Linux based PC's and pretty quickly sold out. From the article:

Wal-Mart's spokesman wouldn't disclose precise sales figures, but said the gPC "has been one of the top performing desktop computers on over the last few weeks."
Now Wal-Mart is saying they will restock. This could be very good news for Linux on the general desktop.

The Internet

Submission + - AT&T says it didn't censor Pearl Jam (

narramissic writes: "AT&T is blaming a contractor for edits that censored politically themed lyrics by lead Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder. Pearl Jam's performance Sunday, part of the Lollapalooza tour, was carried in its edited form on AT&T's Blue Room site, which provides free videos of concert performances, sporting events and other content. Pearl Jam used the blunder to call for the U.S. government to pass net neutrality rules prohibiting broadband providers from blocking or slowing Web content that uses their pipes. For its part, AT&T is working on including the complete performance on Blue Room and is taking steps to make sure such editing doesn't happen again, said AT&T spokesman Michael Coe."

Submission + - Microsoft Pushing OOXML Abroad (

Tom Robertson writes: "Groklaw has this new report from Ausralia's standards committee, where they're debating whether or not to recommend OOXML to the ISO. So far, the same pattern has occurred in almost every country: Microsoft partners join the standards body at the last second just for that one vote, and they pressure everyone to vote "yes, with comments" because that's supposedly the same as "no, with comments" as you can find out if you compare previous reports from Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, and Denmark. It's quite instructive to compare the OOXML process to the one ODF already went through: it's not just that OOXML is being pushed through faster than ODF was, but when problems were identified in ODF they slowed down and fixed them, when problems with OOXML are identified, Microsoft simply pushes for acceptance even harder. Thus far, they haven't fixed any part of the standard, not even lineWrapLikeWord6."
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Video Game Tester (

David writes: "If you are interested in a video game tester jobs , be sure that you have the necessary communications skills and can organize yourself and be disciplined enough to test the games, rather than simply playing them. The prime qualifications for the video game tester jobs is the ability to be a qualify video games player, because you have to play at every level, and use as many pathways in as many different combinations as possible."
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Chinese gamers get to execute corrupt officials (

enharmonix writes: "The Chinese government has launched an online game where players advance by killing corrupt government officials using weapons, magic, or torture. Apparently it's very popular — the game has already reached 100,000 downloads and even had to be taken offline while they upgrade their systems to handle the load."

Submission + - Commodore's new gaming PC - specs revealed

steven williamson writes: "Following on from the press release earlier today announcing new details for Commodore's range of gaming PCs, the spec for have been revealed before CeBIT 2007 in Hanover launches tomorrow. HEXUS.gaming have gatecrashed the show early and have a full list of what we can expect.

So we all got excited over the news that Commodore are entering the gaming PC market, but what we've all been gagging to know is what the spec of these new PCs will be...
Check out the full list : here"

Submission + - SETI@Home is now the World's Fastest Supercomputer

jemecki writes: I was looking through the distributed computing statistics at BOINCstats today and I noticed that SETI@Home distributed computing grid just passed 280 TeraFLOPS in computing power. The reason this is so remarkable is that the fastest supercomputer in the world Blue Gene/L ALSO operates at a sustained 280 TeraFLOPS. So while governments are busy using their supercomputers to model bombs and nuclear weapons, the geeks have put together the world's fastest computer and they're using it to look for aliens. Awesome.

Submission + - The birth of Semiconductor 2.0

Roland Piquepaille writes: "According to several articles in the press, an Austrian company has opened a new chip printing factory. But there is a twist. The chips produced by this factory, dubbed Semiconductor 2.0 by the company, will be organic semiconductors, and will be produced by inkjet printers. Here are two links to the CNET and to the Red Herring comments. According to the company, the new factory will be able to produce 40,000 square meters of semiconductors per year, mainly for the biotech, clean tech, and defense industries. Read more for additional comments and a picture showing the structure of Nanoident's organic sensors."
The Internet

Gnutella Creator Releases New Free Software 71

Compenguin writes: "Justin of Nullsoft released three new pieces of free (as in speech and in beer) software, an installer, a pinger/grapher, and a throttlable file copier. They all use the zlib license. The source is available now, marking the first time nullsoft has actually released source to their "Open Source" products *Cough*Gnutella*Cough*."

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