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Comment Re:Feature, not a bug. (Score 5, Interesting) 236

A VPS is rented space on hardware in the same way you rent an apartment. You don't own the hardware, but that doesn't mean the host can break into your box whenever he wants. Maybe the contract asserts they have that right (you would be an idiot to contract with them). Use Linode (arguably the best VPS provider in the industry): http://linode.com/ (I am not affiliated with Linode.)

Submission + - Nmap 5.00 Released! (nmap.org)

iago-vL writes: "The long-awaited Nmap Security Scanner version 5.00 was just released (download)! This marks the most important release since 1997, and is a huge step in Nmap's evolution from a simple port scanner to an all-around security and networking tool suite. Significant performance improvements were made, and dozens of scripts were added. For example, Nmap can now log into Windows and perform local checks (PDF), including Conficker detection. New tools included in 5.00 are Ncat, a modern reimplementation of Netcat (with IPv6, SSL, NAT traversal, port redirection, and more!), and Ndiff, for quickly comparing scan results. Other tools are in the works for future releases, but we're still waiting for them to add email and ftp clients so we can finally get off Emacs!"

Comment Re:and in Germany? (Score 1) 392

I believe it will depend on how Germany decides to censor their traffic. Usually the U.S.A. only decides to use economic sanctions when censorship is being used for I(negative) political purposes. The government generally doesn't care about conservative censorship. It is rather unfortunate the Internet is becoming less free with each passing year.

Comment No Lua? (Score 0) 415

I was very disappointed Lua was not included. It is one of the most popular scripting languages for embedding in applications, especially Games. People forget that a scripting language is primarily for extending the functionality of an application. Also, while Python and Ruby can be hacked for this purpose, they are very poor choices for scripting languages and should probably _not_ be included in the list.

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