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Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 151

>IE (and hence windows)
I don't think that's needed.

> plenty of corporate portals
That should be shot. And programmed properly. If I'd come across one, if it was not vital, I'd refuse to use it. On accounts of it forcing me to use an insecure browser. If it was vital, I'd complain loudly and demand to use someone else's PC for it.

Sound disrespectful? Not as disrespectful as the programmers.

Comment Spanish (Score 1) 233

I hear the Spanish have this already. Their policy is to add a premium to MP3 players, phones, computers etc of a few euros, so that they can download any copyrighted music to it and play it for free whilst paying for it using the premium! Clever, huh?

Comment iTunes slow? (Score 1) 390

I've found that iTunes is very slow on XP with 1 gig of ram. On VBox Hackintosh, it's a lot quicker, and even dare I say it, smoother. It's nicely linked into the OS (though syncing to an iPod is slow as hell). The problem is making a Windows version - lots of different OS code, probably a load of UNIX code they have to replicate and convert badly into windows syscalls when it already has the same calls but incompatible. This is probably some of the reason why they didn't want a Linux version - it'd have to be another version to maintain, plus Linux is quite different from Mach. But the userspace stuff is not surprisingly similar. I think they just couldn't keep up with the flak. It's slow enough already.

As not a fan of Apple or iTunes, I'll give them that their products work well together, just not with anyone else's. And as for iOS updates? Asking Apple if that's okay? Not allowing downgrades? I think not. It's MY iPod after all.

I hope you've found my speech useful. Yours sincerely, the guy who wrote it.

Comment Opinion (Score 1) 404

They complained you had to click Start to shut down.
They said it took too long.
Why do MS want it? They just want everything. They probably want everyone to hate them, too.
If they want everything and want everyone else to have nothing, they want to force everyone to use their system. Seems a bit anti intuitive to me. I don't like companies that piss about like that, that's why I'm fed up with them, and won't buy from them ever. They should innovate, not shut everyone else down. They think they'll get money, but the real way to make money is to make something better, something more competitive. something more likely to make people actually want it, not to force them.

Anyway, how simple is... terminate tasks, sync disks, unmount, send shutdown signal? I can do it in 5 seconds.

Sorry, wrong convo.

Comment Rotten (Score 1) 198

I think Oracle are jolly rotten. I wish the very best to the Illumos team the very best of luck, and the continuation of development.
This is pivotal, as ZFS is just spiffing although its license is less than optimal.
I'd join in if I could program in C.

Good day!

Comment DIE!! (Score 1) 973

Hey, by the title of this story on my news reader, it looked like the Earth was going to have a massive disaster, like that asteroid. I thought we were screwed. Instead, it's just about him saying we should get out more. Boooring.

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