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Comment Re:Lock, stock and (Score 1) 443

It depends on the gun.

For pistol cartridges, you can actually get away with a smoothbore barrel made out of standard steel tubing - this is how Luty's SMG works. It's not going to be accurate, of course - but within 50 yards, with a full auto gun, it hardly matters.

For rifles, the DIY gun community has figured out a way to use electro-chemical etching to make rifled barrels without the usual tooling.

Comment Re:It's a no-brainer. (Score 1) 59

It's enforced on the chain. Unless the game itself runs on the chain, it is not beholden to the contract.

This all boils down to the same thing that makes most NFTs ridiculous in general: the chain doesn't actually contain the item that is "owned", only some description of it (URL, usually). So, the only thing that's actually owned is that description. It doesn't do you any good to own a piece of paper that says "+100 Sword of Awesomeness", if that piece of paper doesn't actually entitle you to wield that sword in-game.

Comment Re:TIOBE is the wrong metric to measure popularity (Score 1) 115

There's also PYPL, which effectively measures how many people are learning the language at any given time, by restricting it to language tutorials rather than just any random questions related to the language. In that index, Python got to the top a long time ago. Hardly surprising, of course, given that it became the de facto standard teaching language. But "how many people know language X?" is surely a valid metric of popularity.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 115

JS standard library is still horrible by any objective metric. You don't even have to compare it against Python - even C++ does better, and that's a very low bar indeed.

Python is kinda the other extreme, with standard library that's a kitchen sink a la Java and .NET. Which has its downsides, but can also be very convenient at times.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 115

Python 2 went out of support in 2020. Python 3.0 was released in 2008. That's 12 years. I wouldn't call that "rapid".

The vast majority of Python libraries work just fine across minor Python versions. Unlike the py2/3 breakage (which makes more sense if you consider the two essentially different languages), minor Python versions don't introduce breaking language changes without a migration period spanning several releases, during which the new behavior has to be explicitly requested via from __future__ import ...

What breaks is libraries written in C against the CPython extension API, and that's largely because API stability was tacked on relatively late in the game. Today, CPython has both stable API and stable ABI, but library authors are still catching up in that regard.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 115

QuickBASIC for Windows was not a thing, although Visual Basic did evolve out of it.

Turbo Pascal was not particularly popular as such, but its immediate successor Delphi was immensely popular.

It's also worth remembering that much of the code that is written is not shipped publicly - think of all those bespoke line-of-business apps to manage inventory etc. That's exactly the area where VB and Delphi were extremely popular, largely because they offered high-level GUI and database abstractions that were specifically tailored for CRUD apps. On the other hand, commercial software that was published and sold would more typically be written in C or C++. Although Delphi had a decent chunk of that market, too - some prominent examples of Delphi apps include Total Commander and Skype.

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