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Comment Re: Cue the climate change deniers ... (Score 4, Insightful) 684

And Viking settlements from the 100AD range show they grew crops similar to much further south... Crops that its still not WARM enough for where you live.

The problem is not whether climate will change, it is the changes in available natural resources that go with it. When that Roman warm period ended about 400AD it pushed the north men south, and set the Vikings to sea because farming slowly became unproductive.

The North America has little history of 500+ years ago. So how are things going to change for PEOPLE... In much of the Midwest we've been dealing with multiple years of drought... And even these mega storms aren't dropping ENOUGH snow to fix it. On the other hand, the droughts cause flooding and mudslides when the rains do come because HUMANS have changed the landscape over 200 years.

One way or another these changes will effect PEOPLE, and sitting in Arizona hiding behind your AC is only going to last so long before RESOURCES have to be reallocated for another 50-100 years DIFFERENTLY than they are now.

This is where Capitalism conflicts with running a nation properly. National economists are about making the COUNTRY operate efficiently.... Capitalists are about taking those identified weaknesses and PROFITING from making them WORSE.... Which is why they hate the push for addressing climate change/global warming because that means we're addressing DEMAND before a profitable crisis occurs.

Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 170

it's Facebook's PRIVATE data servers and PRIVATE application... you entirely follow their private little rules. Nowhere are you ever in the "public network". This is just like how Comcast and AT&T mine all the URLs you type while their DNS resolves them and send you ads. You have no recourse because those HTTP requests travel on their PRIVATE wires before going to the "internet".

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 170

People seem to miss that "Facebook Messaging" is by itself just populating records in their database for every line you type unless somebody was ever told differently. It's clearly not an encrypted-point-to-point protocol like Apple's (assuming of course that's true of Apple's system, but Apple says Apple can't decrypt messages...) but at least not plain-text like SMS and email.

For Facebook "private" just means your comments in their database get marked as "not readable to everybody else" not "private" as in nobody will ever read them... silly rabbits! Facebook has zero credible history at all of privacy, it's merely THEIR data they haven't figured out how to make money mining... they don't even pretend it like Google does.

Comment Re: How is this (Score 1) 903

Catholics pay taxes.. The government does all kinds of terrible non-catholic things with the catholic taxpayer's money.

Just like taxes, the EMPLOYERS pay money into the "healthcare" pot, and the government decides what services are needed for EMPLOYEES and DEPENDENTS to be covered from that pot.

Freedom of religion applies to EMPLOYEES and DEPENDENTS not "corporate" entities. Not even with the Church as your employer should you have to give up a RIGHT the Government says applies to ALL PEOPLE.

Comment Re: How is this (Score 1) 903

If you are a male, then you cannot get pregnant, insurance should account for that, correct. Except you COULD find yourself in a relationship or somehow responsible for part of a pregnancy bill... It happens sometimes, YOOU could be one-in -a-billion, that's why is still called INSURANCE.

Insurance companies know exactly what those rates per capita are for men and price accordingly... They are just gaming the system or POLITICAL points because their business is about to become "services based" rather than "tricky contract based".

Comment Re: All or nothing (Score 1) 903

But the governments demand is for EVERYBODY THE SAME THING. That is the KEY point of the law here... Employers put money into the insurance hat, and insurance covers conditions based on the LAW not a bunch of trick back room contracts.

This is just like car insurance must provide minimum coverages A, B, and C for various events. If the government decides every policy needs to include windshield wipers and tail lights (to improve road safety) then the insurance companies adjust their plans.

Comment Re: All or nothing (Score 1) 903

This is about what the government expects employers (another type of government) to provide as a minimum standard. These church organizations only "pay for abortions" if their members CHOOSE to go get them. Why don't they just TRUST their members not to get abortions?

This is ultimately back to that old fight the pre-tea party people liked to bring up about only paying 2/3 of my taxes because the gubbrtmint funds 14 things against my religious beliefs. Insurance companies that know better are jumping on this bandwagon because it's good to beat up the government.

Employers are paying for "healthcare" by putting money into the hat for employees that's where employer's rights stop. The GOVERNMENT says what conditions and circumstances that policy must follow to cover EVERY WORKER'S RIGHTS.

Comment Re: Any movement away from Microsoft is good. (Score 1) 564

Mono is a waste of time because only the C# LANGUAGE is open. All the useful APIs are written solely by Microsoft and bundled solely with Windows. You have to rewrite EVERYTHING... Even WINE is more useful now.

It's just a wasteful bunch of work "chasing cars" when Microsoft itself updates THEIR version of the language and APIs constantly.

They would have been better off sticking to an open framework like GTK or QT that the community could TRUELY own.

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