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Comment Re:My Question (Score 3, Insightful) 175

>> Why should we feel sorry for a criminal who chose to commit suicide rather than accept a a six month plea bargain for breaking and entering and accessing systems he shouldn't be accessing?
>> Oh, and please mod me down. I am seriously trolling here, and it couldn't possibly be a legitimate question. I mean our heroes are allowed to do whatever they want without consequence, right?

Part of the reason he commited suicide is probably because... on this world, the likes of you.. exist. Sometimes it's really hard to deal with that fact.
If he's gonna be branded a coward, it's only because he couldn't or didn't want to it anymore. This what he did is seriously wrong, but not from your standard stupid moral ideas, it's because the society in which we all live provide environment in which people could become desperate enough to do suicides.

So you're the criminal, Mr. AC, and all the other people that shaped this reality to be ... this. What it is now.
Where people with good intentions, not selfish, with a vision passion and will, end up comitting suicide.

And eventually, history will remember people like you to be no more then traitors of life and justice. For now, enjoy your "5 minutes" and go f y' self.

Comment not all lost (Score 1) 286

I got a pretty good laugh reading the article and the comments.

Don't feel bad man. But seriously. Like everybody else said.. spare batteries ? Everybody that have a phone which can't last at least one full day (you can charge your phone when you're sleeping) already are aware of the fact that you can actually carry spare battery with you.

It would be more creative if you said carry a 9" laptop in your backpack and hook up your phone to its usb connection while laptop is in stand-by mode.

And those mounts.. are just lame. No matter how fancy you could make them (these pictures you showed.. are far from being fancy).

But.. I got a pretty good laugh anyway, so not all is lost.

Comment leaked huh ? (Score 2, Insightful) 899

Why wasn't it "leaked" .. well.. before all this pressure to ban guns ?
It's "published", not leaked. Intentionally. Probably to apply pressure on gun owners or to get them into trouble of having a gun, somehow.

What's next ? We gonna ban hammers as well ? I read there are many people killing other people with a hammer. Maybe we can ban sugar.. Hell, more people died from sugar then from guns (not counting the military or criminals that will still have guns regardless of you ban them or not).

People, shit happens, it's unavoidable. The world is full of good people and equally full of bad ones/psychotic-violent ones. Whatever you ban won't change that and mentioned ones are still gonna do their own thing.

In 20 years time you will need permission to go out of the house if the public allows these bans on everything to be carried out.

Comment Re:King Bhumibol Adulyade (Score -1, Flamebait) 325

You guys should go and show em the way eh ? Maybe drop couple of thousands of bombs ah ?

Listen to me fucker ignorant asshole motherfucker that deserve to hang on gallows pole. I live in Thailand, I'm white. I'm not american or from any other colonial country on this world, but they see me the same as you. The fucker that came to "their" country and want to change the system to be what "HE THINKS" is good. For them.
It's ok. I don't mind, although I'm ashamed. Oh... now I'm gonna get modded down. But I don't care. I excepted my role before I came here. I don't want to change anything, they are perfectly happy, even more so then every each one of you will be in your miserable lifetime.

Now to get back on topic. This King that you shit on, did more for this people then 50 of your puppet masters aka presidents will/did for you. The reason why everyone is gonna beat the shit ouf of the guy that shits on king is this one. He united them. He "protected them from your asshole bullshit psychopathic corporations" that you value so much, although many of them aren't aware of the details but they still know.
My GF sells hats on the street and makes 2k USD a month. In bloody Thailand. Everybody is offered a chance. That's what the guy your shitting on gave them.
Go pray to your obama//bush or whatever other war criminal to give their people the same opportunity to make a living, you ignorant colonialist motherfucker.

The sooner people like you(ONE dimensional retarded motherfuckers. Retarded by their own free will) fucking die the sooner this bloody planet will be a better place to live on.

Comment Re:funny how everyone 'wants' your phone # (Score 4, Interesting) 185

They don't want only your phone number, they want everything personal about you. And step by step, they're getting it.

Facebook offered like 2 euros or something in facebook credits if you entered your phone number. Youtube is forcing a channel name change to your real name or something like that, and when you decline they ask you why.. and in "reasons" offered, you can't choose "because of privacy" or whatever. They are pretending that giving your phone number/real name is a normal thing to do. And eventually they gonna brainwash people into thinking it is a normal thing to do, so everybody will do it without thinking twice.

When you see the current trend, you can extrapolate what the future will look like. Don't need to be bloody Einstein for it.

Comment Re:Of course, this is not unusual (Score 2) 457

The "poor" / ordinary people / employees are modern day slave force. With some extra perks (in many cases... they just modern slaves).

You need to take them on a offer (a job) because you need money to live. However, especially in developed countries this is enough only to buy food and basic comfort. Like beer, cigarettes... in some countries not either that (on a daily basis I see cambodian slave workers (from 15 to 60, both male and female) making a building on +40c for 10 usd per day). In developed countries, you have a LOT more, but still IMHO you're nothing but a slave if you work more then 5 hrs.

The philosophy that some employers are trying to jam our throat is work 8hrs, do your stuff 8 hrs, sleep 8hrs. That's not realistic. Find me a guy that do this 10 years and is a fulfilled man with a happy life, and I'll admit I'm wrong. Everybody is trying to progress in a direction they work less/make more because it's foolish to think otherwise, unless you just started working. If you have experience in life, you want to make it easier for yourself because "there are more important things in life then bloody sitting in front of a computer in a cubicle or whatever/wherever".

Everything is propaganda for slave force to work. If there's a possibility of easy money.. it'll be sanctioned/made illegal/whatever.
This guy beat the system. He'll get fucked for it, because the system can't allow that to happen.

Now go to sleep.

Comment Re:Cool... (Score 1) 165

>> Barring catastrophe, we will eventually do it.

And where did you pick that up ? On the last 50 tv shows/sci-fi movies that you looked .. ?
You could just as easily say we're all dead. Both statements are dellusional, unfortunately influenced by above mentioned that influenced you to think this way.

Offtopic, but relevant in some sort of abstract way: Then people wonder why media can influence people opinion (to give a green light) when it comes to bombing 20 countries in 10 years.

And my personal opinion.. I consider you arrogant people guilty of war crimes, suffering, poverty, and everything else negative on this country. Fuck Bush and Obama what you are.

Comment Re:Double-blind? (Score 1) 92

Rap today is same as R(nR) today. Read: Rap long time ago, was same as Rock long time ago, maybe not musically.. but it was creative and honest.
I'm embarrased to say I listen to rock music for a long time now.

When something is honest it's not crap, and besides .. creation is never crap. Having prejudice and cutting off everything without knowing it's history is crap.
This comes from someone who grew up with Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, Muddy Waters, Howlin wolf, Led Zeppelin etc.

I respect creative and real rap music, lyrically (read again: I'm not talking about what you see on TV).

Comment Re:Oh bullshit. (Score 1) 113

The story quotes database guru Mike Stonebraker saying, 'I think Facebook has the hardest information technology problem on the planet.'

Really? You think keeping track of some people's dinner plans is the hardest IT problem on the planet? How about YouTube storing and serving truly ludicrous amounts of video. Web search? Watson?

Facebook is utterly trivial compared to many problems out there.

+5 insightful ? Seems like slashdot have a bug somewhere. Should be +5 Ignorant. Seriously.. this is so wrong it's crazy.

Comment Re:I don't understand (Score 1) 867

Many reasons. I'm using Ubuntu. Lately some changes they did or plan to do, don't agree with me, so I'm just gonna say bye-bye and try some other desktop friendly distribution. Fortunately you have a freedom of choice, as opposed to let's say Windows.. where nobody gives a f what you want or what you like. If they decide to display ads on your desktop, you gonna have to adapt to it.

Same goes for desktop environments.. Like this Gnome 3 BS. You have 10 more to choose from, so if you personally.. subjectively, don't like something.. you just take 5 minutes to google a bit and you'll find alternative. Not all people like the same thing. Imagine if only outlook express existed.. or Thunderbird .. as a Email client. Or only Internet Explorer as a browser. Having possibility to choose is a good thing.

Some people do it for fun/experimentation... that's alright too.

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