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Comment Frederik Pohl's Space Merchants (Score 2) 165
I can't read about synthetic animal parts without thinking about the enormous mass of chicken, referred to as "Chicken Little" that is used in the book as a source of protein by continually slicing off hunks from the always growing mass of chicken heart cells. :)

Comment Re:I'll believe it when I see... (Score 1) 867

Given a few such warp ships, you could even arrange it so that that person would receive a message they had written and sent with you before they had actually written it. And then causality is broken for everyone.

Not that I think this is a reasonable warp drive, but I don't think you are right about the arrangement leading to the message coming back before it left - there would be plenty of light cones being crossed, but the message would always come back after it was sent, I think.

Comment Re:You can patent anti-improvements now? (Score 0) 118

replying to myself to continue my rant - can't we all agree that it is obvious (in every sense, patent law and otherwise) to connect new peripherals to existing systems... if I invent a new mouse, sure, let me patent the mouse, but don't let me patent every single application where the new mouse is plugged into a computer... it makes me sick.

Comment I think it's an excellent idea (Score 1) 75

I used to think that software and computers in general would be moving away from typical human interfaces, but I now think that having software/robots perform tasks that humans are also capable of is the future. As a concrete example, I used to think that it would be a bad design to have an application that screen grabs to parse text when it could have the text in a computer readable form, but I see now that a computer that operates a human interface is an advantage. I think that this robot is a step in the direction that we are already heading - our software will augment all of our existing skills - driving, writing, reading, playing games, etc., with a better interface - since it behaves like another human.

Comment Re:Chunky Finger? No, Damit, we want visors (Score 1) 31

I read TFA, its still a clunky, hackerish and unrealistic approach. There is far better technology out there, and I;m no longer impressed just because someone managed to use Android.

I concur - especially when they really should simply be using the phone itself - I don't see how adding an accessory (camera + bluetooth) is any better than holding the phone.
also - I thought it was pretty funny that the only information the guy used to buy a shirt was that it was gray and $27.

Comment poor reasoning (Score 1) 29

Later, when exposed to triggering pulses of light in a completely different environment, the neurons involved in the fear memory switched on — and the mice quickly entered a defensive, immobile crouch.

This does not sound convincing to me at all - there could be many reasons for the mouse to become defensive, one of the least likely of which is that a specific memory was triggered...

Comment Transient confinement? (Score 1) 318

Might there be an efficient way to confine a target group of nuclei for a short interval during which the fusion occurs?
It could potentially require much less energy to reach ignition. It seems to me to be a combination of both inertial confinement and light ignition - for example, a cool jet of expanding gas is exposed to an ultra-short laser pulse, stripping the electrons from the atoms and leaving behind a dense collection of nuclei, ready for fusion. Are there experiments like this?

Comment Re:Slashdot is dead (Score 1) 82

It hardly constitutes evil to allow you to opt out of something.

While I agree with the majority of your post, I think it is evil to require users to opt out. To me that is the same as saying that microsoft wasn't evil to bundle the browser, you could 'opt-out' by deleting it and installing your own browser, after all.

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The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
