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Comment Re:Legitimacy? (Score 1) 401

Yeah, it's because we use a simple plurality. The Conservatives took a majority government in the last election because the left was split between the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party. If we had run-off voting we would probably have had an NDP minority government.

It is kind of a mixed blessing because, while run-off voting more accurately represents the wishes of the public, Jack Layton was really the only person holding the NDP together and he ran knowing he had terminal cancer.

Comment Re:Stay Classy Microsoft (Score 1) 304

As far as I'm concerned, this Googlighting video is absolutely correct. The problem is that it's not just a criticism of Google.

You can't blame a company for changing or discontinuing its products. Companies have to do what will make them money, and the fact that these decisions are applied unilaterally is a basic [dis]advantage of SaaS. Google is really no worse than Microsoft, Salesforce, Intuit, or any other vendor - their product catalogue is just diverse enough for these issues to pop.

Comment Re:Child pornography is not an excuse (Score 1) 583

Incidentally, SomethingAwful, the site that ran that little "for-the-children" crusade? Has their own version of /r/jailbait.

"I can't see it, so it must be kiddie porn!"

Since you have to pay $10 to view the actual threads (no, seriously, it's an Internet forum you have to pay to use), I can't find the specific thread, but if you were dumb enough to pay $10 for a service that countless other sites offer for free, you can certainly find it. Maybe they should clean their own house before throwing stones.

I guess maybe SA charges $10 to keep people like you out? Thanks, Pedo-AC, for proving once again that the best communities are gated communities.

Comment Re:A language that compiles to JS (Score 2) 575

Seconding this as hard as I possibly can. GWT is honestly one of the nicest GUI libraries I've ever used, without even considering how nice it makes web development. I love GWT and I use it for everything web-related unless a client is really twisting my arm.

Comment Re:Abolish copyrights and patents. (Score 1) 171

The protection of real property (the means of production) is indeed a necessary precondition of having a free market economy. I also agree that copyright and patents can be beneficial for encouraging innovation and creativity, with proper limits.

Copyrights, trademarks and patents are the government, telling you (as a firm) what you cannot produce. This is literally the opposite of a free market. Your claim that government-granted monopolies are "necessary" to run a free market economy is objectively wrong, as is your assertion that such things are even *comparable* to the protection of real property ownership.

Comment Re:Because Canada has a "little brother" problem (Score 1) 404

Don't know many Canadians, eh?

The CRTC thing isn't about establishing a Canadian "identity," or some nebulously-defined psychological condition, it's about media market protectionism. Period. Without the CRTC there would be no commercial outlet for Canadian content.

Comment Re:Oh, the Horseshit You Will Print! (Score 1) 552

It was about economics. Just like every other war, ever.

Nobody was telling the southern states that they had to get rid of slaves. The closest thing was the federal government prohibiting the spread of slavery into the new territories (cf. Missouri Compromise.) Cotton farmers depended on migration to new land because incompetent cotton farming quickly resulted in soil depletion. In effect, the business practices of slave owners were no longer tenable. The ~30% who owned slaves, being the owners of the means of production, effectively controlled the economy and dominated the politics of the day.

Yes, in a sense you are absolutely correct that the civil war was about states' rights. The problem is that all of those rights essentially boil down to the right to own slaves.

It's like that joke:
In elementary school, you learn that the civil war was about slavery.
In high school, you learn that the civil war was about states' rights.
In college, you learn that the civil war was about slavery.

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