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Comment Re:you mean social media censorship? (Score 1) 285

Nobody apparently thought to simply call the hospital and ask them.

But the article you linked to says:

However, one hospital where Dr McElyea has worked, Northeastern Health System Sequoyah, has denied that its facilities are seeing ivermectin patients.

“NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin,” NHSS said in a statement. “All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.”

So they did call the hospital and asked them, and published what they said.

The article is not 'literally fake news'. It reports on a doctor's concerns & statements and sought comment from the affected hospital. It is literally the opposite of fake news.

Comment Re:false claims (Score 1) 143

can't be protein complete as meat is if it's soy based,

False. Wikipedia says (with cites): Soybean protein is a complete protein since it provides all of the essential amino acids for human nutrition.

That's unnatural and not what humans are supposed to do.

Bullshit. Nothing we do is natural. I bet you happily suck down a fucking 2 litre bottle of Mountain Dew, or eat twinkies, or McDs or 7-11 hotdogs or the plethora of artificial & highly processed foods common to modern western diets.

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