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Comment Re:Battery?! (Score 1) 1079

If I had Applecare, I could continue to go back to them regarding the battery rather that if I chose to pursue it heading through the complaints departments and dealing with that process.

Also, the machine with the battery that was recalled is not the machine I'm wishing I had grabbed applecare for.

Comment Re:Battery?! (Score 1) 1079

I wish I had your luck. My powerbook's battery got so bad that it had a max charge of less than 20 minutes, before it was forunately replaced under a battery recall. I replaced one MacBook Pro battery under warranty because it had started to lose charge, and the replacement has already dropped to about 30% of max charge (with less than 60 complete charge cycles). The extra battery I bought because of I trip I was headed on is still going strong, but is less than 6 months old. Note that the MacBook Pro is from 2007. I really wish I had invested in AppleCare now.

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